Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2018

The Slow Professor, 2016:


"The major obstacle to creative and original thinking, Mainemelis found, is the stress of having too much to do:

'Extreme workload pressures in particular, in the form of extreme time pressures and unrealistic expectations for productivity make it virtually impossible for individuals to become engrossed in the task at hand and to experience timelessness.' "


"The main problem with multitasking is summed up memorably by Michael Merzenich in an interview: “We are ‘training our brains to pay attention to the crap.’ "


"Rettig’s wonderful book The Seven Secrets of the Prolific says:

'Time management is not about jamming as much as possible into your schedule, but eliminating as much as possible from your schedule so that you have time to get the important stuff done to a high degree of quality and with as little stress as possible.' "


"Chatfield observes that 'The kind of thoughts that can emerge in ‘empty’ time in our lives ... are impossible to reproduce either through dedicated digital planning or carefully arranged offline sessions. They are moments that steal up on us, most often, when life is not segmented down to the minute.' "


"We need time to do nothing, or what Posen calls 'timeouts.' "

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