Samstag, 31. Dezember 2022


Aus dem Zugzwang, der einen das Jahr hindurch begleitet, einige Stunden, einige Tage herauszutreten, um Pläne zu entwerfen, um Pläne zu schmieden ...

Ich wünsche allen Lesern gegen Ende das Jahres Zeit für Reflexion, für die Rückschau und die Vorausschau.

Einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2023!

Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2022

Leaving a Legacy:

"Individual human beings have long strived to create and curate an enduring post-mortem reputation—their “legacy” (Braudy, 1986). They do this in a variety of ways, such as via sports achievement, creative works, having children, leaving a financial endowment, philanthropy, passing down family heirlooms, or extreme attention-grabbing acts (Hunter, 2008). In lay terms, legacy can be defined as “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past” or “a gift by will esp. of money or other personal property” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Some researchers, working in the fields of positive psychology or narratology, have also emphasized the process of legacy, as in “the process of passing oneself through generations, creating continuity from the past through the present to the future” (Hunter, 2008, p. 314).

What is largely missing from these examples is any explicit reference to the fact that legacy centers, rather curiously, on the reputation of the self after death. ... Absent a belief in the continued capacity to know how one is being regarded despite being dead, it is unclear why we should care how others will view us, or our life's work, after our consciousness expires. And yet, the desire and motivation to leave a legacy, even among those who do not believe in an afterlife, is ostensibly a powerful influence on our lives."

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2022

A cybernetic theory of autism: Autism as a consequence of low trait Plasticity

A cybernetic theory of autism: Autism as a consequence of low trait Plasticity
Matthew A. Rogers, Jed T. Elison, Scott D. Blain, Colin G. DeYoung (Dec 2022)


According to Cybernetic Big Five Theory (CB5T), personality traits reflect variation in the parameters of evolved cybernetic mechanisms, and extreme manifestations of these traits correspond to a risk for psychopathology because they threaten the organism's ability to pursue its goals effectively. Our theory of autism as a consequence of low Plasticity extends CB5T to provide a cybernetic account of the origin of autistic traits. The theory argues that, because all psychological competencies are initially developed through exploration, typical development requires sensitivity to the incentive reward value of the unknown (i.e., the unpredicted). According to CB5T, motivation to explore the unknown is the core function underlying the metatrait Plasticity, the shared variance of Extraversion and Openness/Intellect. This theory makes predictions regarding the downstream developmental consequences of early low Plasticity, and each prediction maps well onto autistic symptomatology. This approach may help to explain the heterogeneity of autism, as there are many ways that rigidity can reinforce itself to create a developmental trap influencing the development of competencies. We end by presenting preliminary meta-analytic and new data showing a strong negative relation between Plasticity and autistic symptomatology.

Freitag, 23. Dezember 2022

Rückblick, Vorausblick, Weihnachtszeit:

Am Ende des Jahres sich etwas Zeit nehmen, um zurück zu schauen und um voraus zu blicken. Um Vergangenes zu reflektieren und Künftiges festzulegen. Wozu hat dieser Blog bisher gedient? Was habe ich mit ihm erreicht? Was habe ich nicht erreicht? Klare und besinnliche Stunden gehören mit zu den kostbarsten Stunden. Ein kurzer Rück- und Vorausblick wird Ende des Jahres erscheinen. Ich wünsche allen Lesern eine schöne Weihnachtszeit: Zeit fürs Zusammensein, für Gespräche, Überlegungen, Hobbies, Leidenschaften ...

Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022

Aus der Reserve locken:


"Jemanden dazu bringen, seine Gefühle zu zeigen oder sein Wissen preiszugeben; jemanden herausfordern; jemanden veranlassen, seine Zurückhaltung aufzugeben"

Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2022

A Velocity of Being:

"One of the great cruelties and great glories of creative work is the wild discrepancy of timelines between vision and execution. When we dream up a project, we invariably underestimate the amount of time and effort required to make it a reality. Rather than a cognitive bug, perhaps this is the supreme coping mechanism of the creative mind — if we could see clearly the toil ahead at the outset of any creative endeavor, we might be too dispirited to begin, too reluctant to gamble between the heroic and the foolish, too paralyzed to walk the long and tenuous tightrope of hope and fear by which any worthwhile destination is reached."



ablenken, verunsichern, stören, verwirren, aus der Fassung bringen, aus dem Konzept bringen


Ein bisschen auch das Thema: "Testen". Was macht man, wenn man herausfinden will, wie jemand wirklich tickt, wie jemand in Situationen handelt, in denen es um etwas geht, in denen sich Unsicherheit einfindet? Durch ein Herbeiführen von Irritation, einer Lockerung der Gefasstheit, ..., wird sich zeigen, wie jemand handelt, wenn wenig Erfahrung vorgibt oder vorschreibt, wie gehandelt werden kann, wie gehandelt werden soll.

Security and Freedom of Speech:

Jordan Peterson:

"people think: "i'll say what i have to say when i get to the point where i'm protected and secure." - It's like first of all being protected and secure does not give you the courage to say what you have to say ... That theory couldn't be more backwards. You think you're going to get braver and braver as you get more and more protected? You think that's how the world works?

I mean i've watched university professors think that at some poin they're going to say what they think as they develop their career but by the time they're protected and secure they've spent so much time not saying what they think that they aren't even who they were and they don't know what they think."

Mental Time Travel:

Wenn man einmal noch zurück gehen könnte, fünf, zehn, zwanzig Jahre, um seinem damaligen Ich ein paar Dinge einzuflüstern, welche Dinge würde man da sagen?

"Ich hab Dir da was mitgebracht, und werd's Dir nun auch geben, weisen, ob Du es befolgen wirst, mittragen wirst, das wird sich schon noch zeigen. Manche Fehler gehören gemacht, da führt kein echter Weg vorbei, drum handle, schaffe los mit Kraft, viel sonst ist einerlei."


So, nun wieder zwei Beiträge von Sachthemen abgewichen ... die nächsten Beiträge werden wieder Sachtexten entnommen werden worden sein.


Die Beeindruckbarkeit ist's ja auch und insbesondere, die uns zu Menschen macht. Das Empfinden, das Gespür, etwas Relevantes gedacht, beobachtet, erlebt, empfunden zu haben. Wertansprechbarkeiten charakterisieren unser Leben. Dass uns maches nicht kalt lässt, sondern anfasst, erfasst, in und an dieser Welt. Der, den alles kalt lässt, lebt recht eigentlich nicht.

Und das ist's ja auch, das große Abenteuer, Züge zu suchen, zu finden, an dieser Welt, die nicht kalt lassen, die wieder und wieder Interesse wecken und so und hierdurch Auge, Ohr, Gedanken, das Empfinden an sich binden. Erfasst, ergriffen zu werden, in Spannung zu leben, darum geht's.

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022


Robin Hanson:

"At Christmas, we mostly give presents, eat, and socialize, mostly with family. Much as we do at many other holidays. But in many places, Christmas is special; it is our premiere holiday, collecting the most time and effort. It has more of its own distinct styles in clothes, decorations, food, movies/stories, and songs. More so than at other holidays, people claim to want to “get into the spirt of” Christmas with others. We are more eager to defend Christmas against enemies real and imagined. Christmas has even induces pauses during wars.

Christmas songs tend to sound bittersweet, older/“timeless”, major key, and they can be more easily sung well by ordinary people. Christmas stories are simpler, more heart-warming, and cover a wide range of relatively sacred themes, including children, family, nostalgia, pro-sociality, and gratitude. Compared to other stories, Christmas stories are more allowed to explicitly endorse and embrace sacred themes. Two common story themes are the power of belief, and characters (re-?) discovering a “true meaning of Christmas”. For both songs and stories, the artist/author tends to fade more into the background.

We humans use gifts, food, and holiday gatherings to bond together ..."

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2022

Demanding and supportive:

farnam street:

"Most people think of demanding and supportive as opposite ends of a spectrum. You can either be tough or you can be nice. But the best leaders don’t choose. They are both highly demanding and highly supportive. They push you to new heights and they also have your back."

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2022

Risk Avoidance:

The Road Less Traveled, Scott Peck:

"If you are a regular churchgoer you might notice a woman in her late forties who every Sunday exactly five minutes before the start of the service inconspicuously takes the same seat in a side pew on the aisle at the very back of the church. The moment the service is over she quietly but quickly makes for the door and is gone before any of the other parishioners and before the minister can come out onto the steps to meet with his flock. Should you manage to accost her - which is unlikely - and invite her to the coffee social hour following the service, she would thank you politely, nervously looking away from you, but tell you that she has a pressing engagement, and would then dash away. Were you to follow her toward her pressing engagement you would find that she returns directly to her home, a little apartment where the blinds are always drawn, unlocks her door, enters, immidiately locks the door behind her and is not seen again that Sunday. If you could keep watch over her you might see that she has a job as a low ranking typist in a large office, where she accepts her assignments wordlessly, types them faultlessly, and returns her finished work without comment. She eats her lunch at her desk and has no friends. She walks home, stopping always at the same supermarket for a few provisions before she vanishes behind her door until she appears again for the next day's work. On Sunday afternoons she goes alone to a local movie theater that has a weekly change of shows. She has a TV set. She has no phone. She almost never receives mail. Were you somehow able to communicate with her and comment that her life seemed lonely, she would tell you that she rather enjoyed her loneliness. If you asked her if she didn't even have any pets, she would tell you that she had had a dog of whom she was very fond but that he had died eight years ago and no other dog could make hias place.

Who is this woman? I do not know the secrets of her heart. What we know is that her whole life is devoted to avoiding risks and that in this endeavor, rather than enlarging her self, she has narrowed and diminished it almost to the point of nonexistence."

Cross Country Comparison of Female Suicide Rates:

Worlds highest female suicide rate (of young females, aged 20 to 29) in India:

Countries with more than one scientific nobel price per million capita:

An older post:

Germanic Toponymy in Europe:



If there are any problems with copyrights. Please inform me. I will remove the item instantly from my blog.

Cognitive Space:

From Cal Newport:

"Creative insight of any type — be it business strategy, an ad campaign, or computer code — requires cognitive space to emerge."


Ann Patchett: “It used to be a novel lived very nicely in my head as a constant companion,” she explains. “As time goes on and I now have this other thing which is my career, and all the things that people want me to do, that is very distracting to day dreaming and working in your head.”