Freitag, 30. Juni 2023

Underachieving Men:

Chris Williamson:

"underachievement of men, whether they're retreating into porn and video games, whether they're being distracted by social media, whether they're being hijacked dopaminergically ..."

Female Competition:


Joyce Benenson

"in some of my classes the women do really well and oftentimes get higher grades than the men and they're much more likely to show up for a class and be conscientious and all that, but the males will get into a project, they're completely involved, absorbed, they want to learn everything about it in a way that it's not just a school project  as it is for young women, and the men are fascinated and they go down that rabbit hole and they love it."

Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023


Christian, Alles Evolution:

"Es gibt so viele Sachen, die essentiell sind für eine "funktionierende Kultur". Ich glaube auch, dass es unabdingbar ist, dass man Paarbeziehungen eingehen kann, dass man Status aufbauen kann, dass man Kooperieren kann, dass das Private zu einem gewissen Teil privat bleibt, dass Freundschaften entstehen können und das man (grundsätzlich) mit seinen Kindern zusammen leben kann etc."

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2023

We See The Sacred From Afar, To See It The Same


Robin Hanson


68 reported correlates of treating things as “sacred” are listed, and collected into seven themes. Most can be plausibly explained via two hypotheses. The first, taken from Durkheim, is that treating things as sacred mainly functions to bind groups together via a shared view of it. The second hypothesis, suggested by psychology’s construal level theory, is that humans acquired a habit of seeing sacred things as if from afar, even when they are close, to more consistently see those things the same as others in their groups.


"Humans have many important but messy and complex behaviors associated with the words “religion”, “holy”, “sacred”, “revere”, and “awe”. After a careful examination, my judgment agrees with that of many social scientists: the core concept here is “sacred”. And I find myself especially interested in this concept, as I specialize in institution innovation, and the sacred is often invoked to explain why such proposals are infeasible. Let us now focus on the sacred. Humans have long treated some especially important things in a distinctive special “sacred” way. For example, the following are widely seen as at least somewhat sacred: family, love, charity, courage, honesty, liberty, school, art, music, dance, fiction, innovation, epiphanies, inquiry, religion, spirits, sky, space, nature, sport, talk, friendship, health, medicine, children, democracy, law, sex, death, war, royalty, and nation. While we see wide variation in who treats what as how sacred, almost all of us treat some of these in a similar substantially-sacred way. Yes, we have many good reasons to value such things, but why value them in this special “sacred” way? "

Samstag, 24. Juni 2023

Negative Ereignisse:

Das Kernproblem mit negativen Ereignissen ist eigentlich, dass sie potentiell so viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen und also von anderen wichtigeren Ereignissen abziehen können. Teilweise oder öfters sind es nicht die Ereignisse selbst, die so viel Negatives bewirken, sondern Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit die im Anschluss an sie von anderen Themen und Projekten abgezogen wird.


Colin DeYoung:

"What are values? Intuitively, values are things we care about, things that are important to us, and things we organize and plan our lives around. ... Values are the projects, activities, relationships, ideals, outcomes, and modes of being that we value in a persistent manner. They are representations of states of the world, or components of those states, that we consistently wish to have in existence."

Cybernetic Asessment of Psychopathology:

Colin DeYoung:

"psychopathology should be assessed in two stages, again corresponding to the difference between characteristic adaptations and trait or symptom dimensions. The first task in any assessment must be to determine (a) whether the person is persistently unable to make progress toward their goals (considering the entirety of their collection of goals, especially paying attention to basic needs and motives of which the person may not be fully aware), or (b), if they have only recently had a serious setback in goal progress, whether they seem to be making progress in adaptation toward finding new goals, interpretations, and/or strategies that are likely to allow them to resume effective goal pursuit. Only after identifying that psychopathology is present does one need to proceed to the second stage, which involves characterizing the features of psychopathology through a thorough review of the major dimensions of psychopathology and their various subdimensions."

Freitag, 23. Juni 2023

Walking on Eggshells:

Jordan Peterson:

"whenever I was talking to even relatively moderate people on the left I had to watch what I was saying all the time ... it's good to pay attention to what you say and to be careful, but ... I get damn sick damn quick of walking on eggshells when I've got something to say."

Freitag, 16. Juni 2023


Interessant zum Thema das Buch "Good Reasons for Bad Feelings", in das ich mal wieder einen Blick werfen könnte. Randolph Nesse wirft in diesem Buch einen Blick auf Depression und auf "negative Gefühle" vom Blickwinkel her, dass sich hier Verständnis von der Funktion ableiten lässt, die Niedergeschlagenheit erfüllt. Allgemein gibt das Buch eine Einführung in die Evolutionäre Psychiatrie und hierdurch auch mittelbar in die Evolutionäre Psychologie / Biologie.

Auf das Thema "Good Reasons for Bad Feelings" bin ich auch letztens bei Oliver Burkeman "Epidemics of Modern Life" gestoßen. (Oliver Burkeman kenne ich von "4000 Weeks".) In "Epidemics" werden Themen wie Geschäftigkeit / Bussyness, die Problematik des "positiven Denkens" und die positiven Seiten "negativer Gedanken", Aggressionen im modernen Leben und die positive Bedeutung von Aggressionen und schließlich die Bedeutung und Wiederherstellung von nuancierten Sichtweisen diskutiert. Als Audio Book verrfügbar. Vieles sehr schön gesprochen. Interviews.

Sonntag, 11. Juni 2023


Was würde passieren, wenn Gymnasien abgeschafft werden würden?

Über Gymnasien kommen verhältnismäßig viele Jugendliche (zum ersten Mal) in Kontakt mit einer Vielzahl an Wissensgebieten.

Dienstag, 6. Juni 2023


Jeden Tag sich beruflich fortbilden; d.h. abends ein angemessenes Buch in die Hand nehmen und mindestens einen Absatz lesen.

Montag, 5. Juni 2023

deep work:

Cal Newport:

"I build my days around a core of carefully chosen deep work[.]"


4000 weeks:

"If you really thought life would never end, he argues, then nothing could ever genuinely matter, because you'd never be faced with having to decide whether or not to use a portion of your precious life on something ...

Eternity would be deathly dull, because whenever you found yourself wondering whether or not to do any given thing on any given day the answer would always be: Who cares? After all, there's always tomowrrow, and the next day, and the one after that ..."

Wesentliche Information:

Gelegentlich stößt man auf besonders wesentliche Information und man fragt sich dann: Warum ist man denn nicht früher, ein paar Jahre früher auf diese Information gestoßen?


Nach vorne schauen um nach und nach seine Wege bewusst zu wählen.


Karl Popper, Wissenschaftslehre in entwicklungstheoretischer und logischer Sicht:

"Die Grundthese, die ich Ihnen in diesem Vortrag unterbreiten möchte, kann folgendermaßen formuliert werden:

Die Naturwissenschaften sowie die Sozialwissenschaften gehen immer von Problemen aus; davon, dass etwas unsere Verwunderung [ / unseren Erkenntnisdrang] erregt, wie die griechischen Philosophen sagen. Zur Lösung dieser Probleme verwenden die Wissenschaften grundsätzlich dieselbe Methode, die der gesunde Menschenverstand verwendet: die Methode von Versuch und Irrtum.

Genauer gesagt: Es ist die Methode, versuchsweise Lösungen unseres Problems aufzustellen und dann die falschen Lösungen als irrtümlich zu eliminieren. Diese Methode setzt voraus, dass wir mit einer Vielzahl von versuchsweisen Lösungen arbeiten. Eine Lösung nach der anderen wird ausprobiert ..."


So vieles ist schon geschrieben worden. Viel von dem, was sich originell vorkommt, ein bloßer Abklatsch von bereits Vorhandenem.


Ein "Bei-Sich-Selbst-Sein", das tiefere Entspannung hervorbringt. Hinauswollen oder Über-Sich-Hinauswollen bringt Spannung mit sich ...

Mate Choice Copying:

Sonntag, 4. Juni 2023

Common causes of bad decisions:

Farnam Street:

1. Assumptions based on small sample sizes
2. Wanting the world to work the way we want rather than the way it does
5. Not asking, "and then what?"

How to play the status game, Will Storr:

Losing Status, Will Storr

"What happens if you continually lose status?"

"Really bad things."

"If you're going to argue this status is important it must be really bad when we lose it. So what does that look like? ... So I started to research humiliation and the effects of humiliation ... and that's what really convinced me. ... So the definition that I came across of humiliation is it's it's not just ... somebody taking your status away from you it is basically robbing you of any hope of claiming that status again in the future. You're so lacking in status that you're basically banned from the game ... One psychologist describes humiliation as the nuclear bomb of the emotions. So when you look at the very worst things that human beings engage in from anything from genocide to honor killings to spring killings ... many instances of serial murder ... it has humiliation at its core. So you know that really convinced me that this was a really important subject and that status was a fundamental human need. In the book I tell in some detail the story of elliot rogers the incel and I was able to tell that story because before he killed a bunch of people and himself he left a 108 000 word memoir online which was you know really a truly extraordinary document, because he uh whilst being unbelievably narcissisticn it is also incredibly honest about his shortcomings and his problems and there you see and I think you know what i came to is that the most dangerous people are not only the ones who've been humiliated again and again but they're the narcissists, the grandiose people who've been humiliated again and again, because they feel entitled to a life up here but what reality is giving them is down here a for years and you know especially if you're male and you have a propensity to solve status disputes with violence that's a horrible cocktail male grandiose and humiliated is really, really dangerous."