Montag, 4. Januar 2021


Vielleicht ist es manchmal besser, sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen, vom Nachdenken über soziale Phänomene. Besser der Mathematik, der Technik oder der Wissenschaft etwas Aufmerksamkeit widmen. Das ist ja letztlich "Kernthema der Persönlichkeitsforschung", dass menschliches Verhalten nur sehr bedingt vorhergesagt werden kann. Sich hin und wieder einfach erholen, in und mit der Beschäftigung mit einfachen Systemen, weit entfernt von jeglicher Beschäftigung mit proteischen Verhalten:

>Humphries and Driver (1970) termed [a] sort of adaptively unpredictable behavior “protean behavior”, after the mythical Greek river-god Proteus, who eluded capture by continually, unpredictably changing form. Their book Protean behavior: The biology of unpredictability (Driver & Humphries, 1988) presents a detailed theory and many ethnological observations. Though they did not cite game theory, they made analogies between protean behavior in animals, unpredictable feints in human sports, and randomizing methods in military strategy. The adaptive logic of proteanism is simple. Animals generally evolve perceptual and cognitive capacities to entrain, track, and predict the movements of other biologically-relevant animals such as prey, predators, and potential mates (Camhi, 1984; Freyd, 1992; Miller & Freyd, 1993; Premack, 1990). Such predictive abilities mean that unpredictable behavior will often be favored in many natural pursuit-evasion situations. For example, if a rabbit fleeing from a fox always chose the single apparently shortest escape route, the very consistency of its behavior would make its escape route more predictable to the fox, its body more likely to be eaten, its genes less likely to replicate, and its fitness lower. Predictability is punished by hostile animals capable of prediction. Thus, the effectiveness of almost any behavioral tactic can be enhanced by endowing it with characteristics that cannot be predicted by an evolutionary opponent (Driver & Humphries, 1988). Evolutionarily recurring pursuit-evasion contests will usually result in arms races between perceptual capacities for predicting animate motion, and motor capacities for generating protean behavior (Miller & Freyd, 1993).<


"the survival of human beings does depend on their being able to do psychology."

N. K. Humphrey

Daher das weitverbreitete Interesse an Seifenopern, Tratsch, etc.;  im positiven Sinn das Interesse an den Künsten, am Theater, an Filmen, Romanen ... (siehe: Richard Alexander on Scenario Building).

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