Samstag, 23. Januar 2021

Affectionate Teasing:


Affectionate teasing from others can help us reveal our true self to the world, in a nice way.

["Zeig' dich ruhig, wie du bist. Da wird schon nichts passieren, wenn du dich zeigst, wie du bist." Eine humorvolle, entspannte Atmosphäre verleitet Menschen dazu, sich ehrlicher und offener zu zeigen. Wodurch Situationen wesentlich interessanter werden.]

Affectionate teasing won’t create tension. It only brings joy and adds a sense of humor into the conversion. This can only happen between people with close relationships. It’s a sign of deep understanding of your weaknesses, your true self and personalities or simply some precious moments (most likely embarrassing yet funny moments) that you and your loved ones once shared together.

["Ich seh' da schon recht deutlich, wie du bist. Und ich kann dir das auch in einer humorvollen Weise zeigen, dass ich sehe, wie du bist."]

Other than that, a video created by The School Of life suggested that we enjoy being warmly teased because deep down we know the teaser understands we are sometimes not what we presented to the world, we hide some parts of our true self due to the norms society imposes on us.

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