Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018

Overall Job Complexity:

"Gottfredson’s (1997b) large first factor, “Overall Job Complexity,” correlated most highly with occupational prestige and the need for workers to compile, combine, communicate, and analyze written, spoken, and visual information, whether verbal, quantitative, or behavioral, and to do so under conditions entailing much responsibility, little supervision, and considerable psychological stress."

Linda S. Gottfredson


"In short, the advantages conferred by higher levels of g are successively larger in successively more complex jobs, tasks, and settings. Greater experience and other favorable personal traits can compensate to some extent for lower levels of g, but they can never negate the disadvantages of information processing that is slow or error prone."

"g affects job performance primarily indirectly, by promoting faster and more effective learning of essential job knowledge, during both training and experience on the job."

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