Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2025

Skimming versus Deep Diving:

 "I’d say deep-dive a few that hit your gut
—say, 3-5 that speak to your now—
then skim the rest for spice."


"Eine Art Seele steckt in Welt und Wirklichkeit drinnen.

Und indem wir bestimmte höhere Wünsche und Sehnsüchte
in uns selbt wahrnehmen, nehmen wir diese Seele wahr."


Der Erkenntniswille und der Schönheitssinn
im Inneren des Menschen als
"Evidenz" für das Vorhandensein Gottes.
"telling the truth and taking time to think aren’t opposites, they feed each other."

"... but he’s not saying blurt out the first thing that pops into your head either."

"Taking the easy way out or telling the truth—those are not merely two different choices. They are different pathways through life. They are utterly different ways of existing."

Playful Play:

"Bateson argued play’s a sandbox for creativity and learning, but the playful kind, the loose and goofy stuff, is where the magic happens. It’s less about winning or structure, more about what bubbles up when you’re free to experiment. A soccer player might learn skills in a match, but a kid juggling a ball in the backyard might invent a whole new game."

Wasting Energy / Pounding on Closed Doors:

"pouring energy into stuff that doesn’t budge instead of finding open paths."


Mehmet Murat Ildan: 

"Waiting insistently in front of a tightly closed door is unfair to all of the open doors! Give a chance to the open doors—those quiet invitations whispering possibilities you’ve overlooked. While you exhaust yourself knocking on what won’t budge, the world keeps turning, offering paths that don’t demand a fight. Step back, breathe, and let the open ones show you what’s waiting."


Weiter Energie zu investieren,
obwohl es bereits klar ist,
dass ein Weg nicht gangbar ist.

Wunsch nach Ruhe:

Der Wunsch, eine Zeit lang einfach in Ruhe gelassen zu werden;
verschont bezüglich diverser Persönlichkeitsstörungen,
persönlicher Probleme, Ticks, und so weiter ...


Manche Personen haben einen
grüblerischen /
Probleme wälzenden
Zugang zu den Dingen.

Widerwärtige Konflikte:

Manche Konflikte wie eine Schicht
von Dreck und Kot,
die eine Sache überzieht.


Große Distanz zu Spinnern.

Aber auch zu besonders lauten Menschen.

Möglichst permanent.

Montag, 24. Februar 2025

Spontanität versus Unzuverlässigkeit:

Wie sehr sich jemand
seinen Augeblicksstimmungen
überlässt. Im positiven
Sinn: Spontanität.
Im negativen Sinn:

Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025

Denken und Wissen:

"Denken und Wissen kann man oft nicht sauber voneinander trennen."

Heiner Rindermann

Heiner Rindermann: Bildung und Intelligenz


Geistiges Rauschen

Der Plappernde sondert geistigen Dreck in seine Umwelt ab.

Ein Problem stellt das für die Personen dar,
die mit diesem Dreck konfrontiert werden.

Stille und Nachdenken:

Schöpferisches Nachdenken gelingt vor allem in der Stille.

On Moving On:

Josh Zlatkus:

"one of the more common human responses to problems, over history, has been to move on—whether in response to weather, sparse game, a hostile tribe, disease, or a break with the community."


Josh Zlatkus:

>much of the time, I tell clients: “Look, I’m happy to support you through this, but I don’t think you’ll feel much differently until you’re in a different situation.”<

eat, pray, love:

Catherine Boyle:

"One day I’ll write something about how terrible this book was for a generation of travel-obsessed millennial and Gen-X women. A beautiful (and charming) celebration of blowing up your life for a story."

Checkbox Approach in Mating:

Digital Kitten:

"And this is what happens when you marry for a checkbox on the achievement list after achievements of school, career, not because you actually love the person and want to be with them until one of you is gone."

Some problems appear when you choose your mate via a checkbox approach.

Samstag, 22. Februar 2025

Rain Dance Activities:

Cal Newport:

examples of rain dance activities:

“Sitting at my desk when I’m not working”
“Being on calls with no actual objective”
“Keeping Slack notifications at zero, sitting on email trying to get the Unread number down”
“Saying yes to a random dinner when someone is coming through town”

Everyone’s busy, but is no one is asking if all these gyrations are actually opening the clouds.

The solution to the rain dance phenomenon is not to abandon organizational systems or routines altogether, nor is to crudely commit to working less. It’s instead, as Williamson suggests, to turn your attention from inputs to outputs. Identify the most valuable thing you do in your job, and then figure out what actually helps you do it better. This is what you should focus on.


Ryan Holiday:

"Anyone can talk about themself. Even a child knows how to gossip and chatter. So what is scarce and rare? Silence. The ability to deliberately keep yourself out of the conversation and subsist without its validation."

Why Do Rich People Love Quiet?

Lukas (Computer):

>Because they have thoughts in their head and these get disrupted by 120dB music played via Bluetooth speakers Preference for low ambient noise levels is directly correlated to IQ.<

Jash Dolani:

>The rich love quiet because it's the precondition for extended thought, which is the precondition for wealth itself.<

Randy Treibel:

>As a mostly extrovert who is often expected to lead conversations, constantly loud people are a sign of being low mental health. I am most at peace when I am away from them because their constant chatter is like a bomb ticking until they throw their mental health issues at you. Quiet is peace and safety. Who doesn’t like to feel safe?<

Steve Sailer:

"Because rich people tend to have longer, more complicated trains of thought (which is one of the reasons they are richer) that are more easily interrupted by random noise blaring?"

"I soon realized that silence was more than the absence of noise; it was an aesthetic to be revered."

"The passive-aggressive signals to wind our gatherings down were replaced by point-blank requests to make less noise, have less fun, do our living somewhere else ..."

"A boisterous conversation would lead to a classmate knocking on the door with a “Please quiet down.” A laugh that went a bit too loud or long in a computer cluster would be met with an admonishment."

"It took me years to understand that, in demanding my friends and I quiet down, these students were implying that their comfort superseded our joy."

"I had taken the sounds of home for granted. My grandmother’s bellows from across the apartment, my friends screaming my name from the street below my window. The garbage trucks, the car alarms, the fireworks set off nowhere near the Fourth of July. The music. I had thought these were the sounds of poverty, of being trapped."

"... with Víctor Manuelle or Selena playing in the background."

"What they didn’t understand was that we just wanted to be around people in places where nobody told us to shush."

"The radio was playing, and we were debating, as we often did, who was the best rapper alive. There was a knock at the door and when we opened it, my friend’s neighbor, a 20-something woman new to Brooklyn, was standing there, exasperated. “Did your mothers not teach you the difference between inside voice and outside voice?” "

"The people complaining clearly thought they were trying to enforce a sonic landscape that they deemed superior ..."

"When I went to college, it was clear to me that I was a visitor in a foreign land, and I did my best to respect its customs."

"And they were demanding that the rest of us change [in trying to be less noisy] to make them more comfortable."

"The Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noise was founded by a physician named Julia Barnett Rice in 1906."

"The city started going after boom boxes, car stereos, and nightclubs. These were certainly noisy, but were they nuisances? Not to the people who enjoyed them."

"As my grandmother used to say, “I’m not yelling, this is just how I tawk!” "

"New York was effectively codifying an elite sonic aesthetic: the systemic elevation of quiet over noise."

"Was it the noisiest borough? Or was it just home to the densest mix of loud people and people who wanted to control those loud people?"

"Nearly 60 percent of recent grievances center on what I’d consider lifestyle choices: music and parties and people talking loudly. But one person’s loud is another person’s expression of joy. As my grandmother used to say, “I’m not yelling, this is just how I tawk!” "

"For an hour I pretended to be a meek, muted version of myself. No one had told me to do this. I instinctively understood that, in this unfamiliar environment, the proper way to express my gratitude was to hush myself."

"It is a loud affair, and I take pride in saying that we are a loud people. (Is it a coincidence that one of J.Lo’s biggest hits was “Let’s Get Loud”? I think not.) We love our music. We love to dance. We love being Puerto Rican. And perhaps this is why the parade inspires such discomfort. "

"For 35 blocks, we were as loud as we wanted to be, and nobody could tell us nothing. And then we got to the end of the route. The crowd thinned out and the blockades ended, and we were met with a giant traffic sign illuminated with the words Quiet Please."

Unnecessary Bullshit:

Vivid Void:

Fear of Failure:

Shane Parrish:

Freitag, 21. Februar 2025

Christlicher Glaube / Katholische Moral und Ethik:

Ich bin kein Christ. Über den christlichen bzw. den katholischen Glauben, die katholische Moral und Ethik gibt möglicherweise ein Lesen im Katechismus der katholischen Kirche wesentlich rascher Aufschluss als ein Lesen im Neuen Testament.

Honesty & Trust:


"Some countries are high trust because the people are honest. 
You can trust honest people."

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2025

Reductionistic Statements:

E.g. the world is nothing but a collection of things.
Chemistry is nothing but physics.
Animals are nothing but biochemical machines.
Behavior is nothing but genes interacting with environments.
Giftedness is nothing but high intelligence.

Somatische Marker:

>Das "Bauchweh" kann als eine Art körperliche Reaktion verstanden werden, die mit negativen Emotionen und Stress verbunden ist. [Unterschiedliche Systeme] kommunizieren ständig miteinander, sodass körperliche Empfindungen – wie ein flaues Gefühl oder Schmerzen im Bauch – oft ein Hinweis darauf sein können, dass unser emotionales System eine Situation als bedrohlich oder unangenehm wahrnimmt. Dies wird auch in der sogenannten "somatischen Marker"-Theorie beschrieben, wonach körperliche Reaktionen uns dabei unterstützen, schnelle Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem sie vergangene negative Erfahrungen abrufen.

Wenn du also in einer bestimmten Situation ein "Bauchweh" verspürst, könnte das bedeuten, dass dein Körper auf eine tief verankerte, emotionale Bewertung dieser Situation reagiert. Diese körperliche Empfindung kann dann dazu führen, dass du die Situation als besonders negativ oder stressvoll einordnest – ein Prozess, bei dem die körperlichen Reaktionen und die kognitive Bewertung eng miteinander verflochten sind.

Allerdings ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass diese Reaktionen nicht immer eine objektive Einschätzung der Situation widerspiegeln müssen. Oft beruhen sie auf früheren Erfahrungen oder einem Übermaß an emotionaler Reaktion, die möglicherweise nicht zu 100 Prozent mit den aktuellen Umständen übereinstimmt. In solchen Fällen kann es hilfreich sein, sich bewusst zu machen, dass das "Bauchweh" eher ein Hinweis auf die emotionale Verarbeitung und weniger auf die objektive Realität der Situation ist.<

>Somatische Marker sind körperliche Empfindungen, die mit emotionalen Erfahrungen verknüpft sind. Wenn wir eine Situation emotional erleben – beispielsweise Angst, Freude oder Unbehagen – reagiert unser Körper mit bestimmten Signalen (wie einem flauen Gefühl im Magen). Diese körperlichen Reaktionen werden als Marker gespeichert und können später als Hinweise dienen, wenn wir vor ähnlichen Situationen stehen

Einfluss auf Entscheidungen: 

Bei der Entscheidungsfindung greift unser Gehirn auf diese gespeicherten Marker zurück. Sie wirken oft unbewusst und helfen uns, komplexe Entscheidungen zu vereinfachen, indem sie uns auf mögliche Risiken oder Chancen aufmerksam machen. So kann ein unangenehmes Bauchgefühl uns warnen, wenn eine Entscheidung potenziell negative Konsequenzen haben könnte

Neurobiologische Grundlagen:

Zentrale Hirnregionen, insbesondere der ventromediale präfrontale Kortex (vmPFC), spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Integration dieser somatischen Marker in unsere kognitiven Prozesse. Studien – etwa anhand des Iowa Gambling Task – haben gezeigt, dass Menschen mit Schädigungen in diesen Bereichen oft Schwierigkeiten haben, adäquate emotionale Signale zu verarbeiten und dadurch riskantere oder weniger vorteilhafte Entscheidungen treffen.

Bedeutung der Theorie:

Die somatische Marker Theorie verdeutlicht, dass Emotionen und rationale Überlegungen eng miteinander verflochten sind. Anstatt als Gegensätze zu fungieren, liefern die körperlichen Empfindungen wichtige Informationen, die unser Denken und Handeln beeinflussen. Sie tragen dazu bei, schnelle, oft unbewusste Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem sie auf vergangene Erfahrungen und deren emotionale Folgen verweisen.<

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025

Ehrgeiz & Leben:

Ehrgeiz kann ja irgendwie schon
die "Seele" erschlagen. Es gibt 
"ehrgeizige", aber doch 
"kahle" Menschen.

Das ergibt sich über den Vergleich
von diesen Personen
mit etwas weniger "ehrgeizigen",
aber ähnlich begabten Personen.

Oft haben "angemessen
ambitionierte" Personen,
verglichen mit 
"übermäßig ambitionierten"
Personen einen schöneren

Bodycount & Sex:

SomethingElse (Twitter): 

>It's the *kind* of sex that matters, not the bodycount. Sex that's transactional, reflexive, exhibitionist, shallow, etc. is infinitely more corrupting than mature, deliberate, private coupling between mutually respectful people.<

The Bodycount Discourse:

Lukas (computer) - Twitter: 

>"Bodycount discourse" was zoomers trying to explain why they feel disgusted by some women and wanna call them whores. It got retarded bc libtards deconstructed the word "whore" and made them think they had to have some concrete metric it was based on, like the total partner count, impact on the divorce rate, how much she drinks, etc In reality it's just a feeling. They'd see what some girl was doing and be like "what the fuck, man. I don't want that. What the hell. Disgusting" Most people don't even know why they feel that way, so when they look for explanations you get a bunch of confusing gibberish. Like, by any objective definition it makes no sense to call a virgin a whore. But there are still virgins a lot of guys think are whores, and there are non-virgins those same guys don't think are whores It's basically broscience all over again. Bodybuilders know why stuff works but when you start asking for explanations, things break down. Science has not yet discovered what makes a woman a whore. You have to follow your heart.<

(Lukas (computer) is a funny guy. :-) )

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025

Fight Between High Status Groups:

"high status groups often fight with each other. But then we trust those who seem to win such fights, and thus gain fight-winning status markers, to tell us that the others should no longer be seen as high status"

Markers of High Status:

"We trust the high status not only to tell us who is high status, but also tell us what are the markers of high status ..."

High Status:

Robin Hanson:

"We tell ourselves we don’t care much about being high status ourselves, nor that our associates are high status. But we in fact put huge weights on status when choosing associates. And almost nothing actually gives us more pleasure than to personally acquire what we see as virtues, i.e., the markers of high status, and to think others see us as having done so. That is heaven, where the flowers smell, the sun shines and the angels sing. "

Samstag, 15. Februar 2025

An der Oberfläche:

Ein paar Jahre recht
an der Oberfläche geblieben.

Und, in der Freizeit,
vielleicht den Sinn
für die Beschäftigung
mit etwas "kühleren"
oder sachbezogenen
Themen (vorüber-
gehend) verloren.

Ich liebe sie, die kühle
Welt des sachlichen /

Das Innerseelische:


Die "bedeutsamsten Wünsche" im Menschen.
Unterteilung in äußere Bereiche und innere Bereiche.
Innere Bereiche, die mehr den "Kern" einer Person

Merk- und Wirkorgane:

Frei nach Jakob von Uexküll:

Merkorgane, die Eigenheiten an Gegenständen der Um- und Innenwelt wahrnehmen können.

Wirkorgane, die Veränderungen von Eigenheiten der Gegenstände von Um- und Innenwelt herbeiführen können.


Will man arbeiten oder sich
stark konzentrieren
ist es keine gute Idee
sich da aufzuhalten
wo jede Menge an
Ablenkungen existiert.


Die Naturwissenschaft hat einen kühleren Touch
als zum Beispiel Alltagsthemen. D.h. der
Durchschnittsmensch verfolgt Alltagsthemen
mit mehr Interesse (mit mehr emotionaler
Beteiligung oder "emotionaler Wärme").
Nichtsdestotrotz, oder vielleicht
sogar: deswegen, haftet der
Naturwissenschaft auch etwas
sehr Vornehmes an. Eben da sie nicht
so leicht zugänglich ist und von der
Alltagserfahrung oder dem Alltagsdenken
etwas abseits liegt.

Rückkehr auf diesem Blog,
nach langen Ab- und Umwegen,
zu naturwissenschaftlichen Themen.
Das wäre ein schönes Ziel,
nach all den Jahren.

Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2025


"Hätte man bloß mit seiner Aufmerksamkeit
besser gehaushaltet."

Der Tod:

Mit dem Tod eines Menschen verschwindet sogleich auch eine Welt.

Telling the Truth:

Jordan Peterson:

"If you tell the truth and nothing else, you will have an immense adventure. You will not know what is going to happen to you, but you have to let go of clinging to the outcome. The truth will reveal the world the way it is intended to be revealed. The consequence for you will be that you will have the adventure of your life. The other part of that ethos—which makes perfect sense to me, and I cannot see how it can be any other way—is that whatever makes itself manifest as a consequence of the truth is the best possible reality that could be manifest, even if you cannot see it."

"If you practice violating your own conscience with a performative contradiction — a willingness to act out what runs contrary to your own sense of morality — then you become the embodiment of a lie. There is endless metaphorical speculation of the spirit of the lie, and if you allow it to take up residence with you, then you do that at your peril. The danger of being an actor is that you become the actor and then you lose you. You replace you with that falsehood, and that will make you bitter, which only leads to becoming vengeful — and worse. Therefore, you do not want to practice that."

"Lying is very powerful because you can manipulate the world with your language. And you can get what you want often; or escape from things you don't want. So, why not lie all the time? Well, there are many reasons, but one of them is that you can't trust yourself if you lie. And there will be times in your life when you have no one to turn to except yourself. So, if you've stuffed yourself full of lies, you're going to be in a crisis one day, and you're going to have to make a decision, and you're going to decide wrong. You won't have the clarity of mind necessary to make the proper judgment because you have filled your imagination and perception with rubbish. Then, you're in real trouble."

"Those who lie do not live or even truly have their life. They substitute for that life the life of the lie and, in doing so, turn their eternal souls (and that is the right level of symbolic analysis) over to the king of the damned. Those who lie miss the adventure of their life. So what? If the use of deception enhances power—if it brings about hedonic delight—if it allows for the avoidance of responsibility, the quelling (however false in some absolute sense) of anxiety, or the circumvention of pain, why not indulge? The world is meaningless anyway, and the liar who wins may lie, but still wins. Why is this quite rational rationalization unreliable? First, perhaps, because it is naught but a manifestation of the spirit of the lie, attempting in its characteristic way to justify its default to deception. Second, however, for a deeper reason: the meaning of life is in adventure, and the adventure that is true is literally to be found in the truth."

Dienstag, 11. Februar 2025

"Interesting Stuff":

Somehow he lost the ability
to say interesting stuff.

Starkes Interesse:

"Zum ersten Mal seit langem
wieder in der Lage, genau die Dinge zu tun,
für die ein starkes Interesse besteht."

Ohne Interesse:

Das Interesse hatte einen irgendwie verlassen.

Man hatte (mehrmals) gegen sein Interesse gesündigt.

Mental Health as Being Nested in Social Structures:

Fernando Cao:

"Your mental health isn't what's in your head. 
It's how well you're nested in social structures:

Do people genuinely like you?
Have you built meaningful friendships?
Does anyone truly love you?
Are there people you willingly sacrifice for?"


Blogging as the Art of Collecting some valuable or interesting bits of information.

The Self-Consciousness Trap

Fernando Cao:

 "Research shows self-consciousness is so tightly linked to suffering that they're statistically indistinguishable.

The more you think about yourself, the more miserable you become.

Peterson's solution?

Turn outward, not inward."

Offering Something of Value:

Fernando Cao:

Most people ask: "How do I find the right person?" 

Peterson says that's backwards. 

The real question is: 
"How can I learn to offer something to someone else that would make me eminently desirable?" 

This shift changes everything.

Was ist Seele?

Das Verlangende an einem Menschen oder Lebewesen.

Reaktionen auf Feindseligkeit:

Feindseligkeit ruft Feindseligkeit hervor.

via Rob Henderson:

"personality is related to the behaviors and global judgments of romantic partners likely because traits can evoke responses in others. A hostile individual might evoke hostility from a partner...personality attributes have interpersonal consequences"

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2025

Aufgaben etc und das Mitteilungsbedürfnis:

Wenn der Mitmensch in die eigenen Aufgaben, Probleme, Gedanken, Bedürfnisse, Gefühle miteinbezogen, mithineingezogen wird. Wenn die eigenen Aufgaben, Probleme, Gedanken, Bedürfnisse, Gefühle mit dem Mitmenschen, mehr oder weniger, geteilt werden.

Ein jeder hat da eine gewisse Menge an Aufgaben, die er zu erledigen und zu bedenken hat. Es braucht allerdings auch Zeiten im Leben, wo nicht von außen jemand in Aufgaben mithineingezogen sind, die nicht seine eigenen Aufgaben sind.

Es braucht Zeiten des Abstands zu den Aufgaben, Problemen, Gedanken, Bedürfnissen, Gefühlen des Mitmenschen.

Das Erreichbare:

Wo liegen die Grenzen des Dir (eben noch) Erreichbaren?

Truth and Beauty:

Richard Harper:

"Truth and beauty are often found in expertise and perfection whereas salesmanship on the other hand often just creates and spreads stupidification."

>Robert Pondiscio

There's a dichotomy in education that goes largely undiscussed: some teachers' greatest concern is maximizing student learning. Others are trying to "sell" education to bored, indifferent, or disengaged students. These are very different jobs. <


Der Wunsch, vieles in Ordnung zu bringen,
in Ordnung zu halten.

Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2025

Das Gleichbleiben der Eigenschaften:

Den (reifen) Orangen wird
in 10 bis 15 Jahren
zumeist immer noch
Süße anhaften.
Frauen werden
auch in 10 bis 15 Jahren
zumeist immer noch
Frauen sein.

Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2025

Essenz des Mitmenschen:

Man verliebt sich, gegebenenfalls,
ins "Göttliche" am Anderen,
in eine Art Essenz des Mitmenschen.

Das Leben wird da erst spannend,
wo etwas "Metaphysik" mit ins Spiel kommt,
wo der Blick nicht mehr gar zu sehr
oder lange an der Oberfläche haften bleibt.

Die "Idee" des Anderen, die sich uns
in manchen besonderen Momenten
oder Stunden aufschließt.

Des Künstler's Winterschlaf:

Und zum ersten Mal seit langem
schuf er wieder schöne Bilder,
er hatte wohl eine Art
künstlerischen Winterschlaf

Absolute Werte:

Der Gedanke ist,
dass man die Distanz
zu etwas absolut
wahrnehmen kann.

Man erkennt oder erahnt,
wenn große Distanz
zu etwas als wertvoll
Erkannten besteht.

Z.B. Mitmenschen können
in größerer oder in geringerer
Distanz zur Ehrlichkeit
leben. Wenn wir unser
Auge für den Wert
der Ehrlichkeit schärfen,
werden sogleich diese
Distanzen immer deutlicher
auffallen, sichtbar, erkennbar.

Distanz zum Schaffen:

Man lebt in großer Ferne
zum Schaffen.


Wer hat große Freude an Dir?
An dem, was Du sprichst,
Was Du tust, Was Du bist?
Wer sucht Deine Nähe?
Und Wer sucht diese Nähe
wieder und wieder?

Menschen suchen und halten,
Wo das eigene Sein
viel Resonanz findet,
Und auf deren Sein
man tiefer anspricht.


Z.B. die bewusste Bemühung im Gespräch, "den Anderen zu verbessern".


Die Intelligenzhöhe legt fest, wie komplex Zusammenhänge sein können, wobei sie immer noch verstanden werden können.


Ohne das Geistige ist ein Mensch stets recht langweilig.

Reifung einer Perspektive:

Wann und Wo reift eine Perspektive?


Gefangen in einer wahnsinnig langweiligen Situation.

(Mit Unruhe)

Samstag, 1. Februar 2025

Attraction is not a choice:


"Attraction indeed is often not considered a choice. Here's a breakdown of why this might be:

Biological and Evolutionary Factors: Attraction can be influenced by biological drives aimed at reproduction and survival. Evolutionary psychology suggests that humans are naturally drawn to traits that signify health, fertility, and genetic compatibility. These attractions are largely subconscious and not something one consciously decides.

Psychological Influences: From a psychological perspective, early life experiences, cultural background, and personal history shape what one finds attractive. These influences create a complex web of preferences that aren't easily altered by choice. For instance, attachment styles formed in childhood can impact adult attractions.

Neurological Basis: Attraction activates specific areas in the brain related to reward and pleasure, such as the ventral tegmental area which releases dopamine. This chemical reaction doesn't happen by choice but rather as a response to stimuli that the brain interprets as rewarding or desirable.

Cultural and Social Norms: While culture can shape what is considered attractive, individual reactions to these norms are not entirely controllable. You might recognize societal standards of beauty but still find yourself attracted to qualities or individuals outside of these norms due to personal taste or other subconscious factors.

Fluid vs. Fixed Attractions: Some theories suggest that sexual orientation or specific attractions might not be as fixed as once thought, but even the fluidity aspect isn't something one chooses. It might change over time due to various personal developments, but again, not through choice.

Ethical and Social Considerations: While one might not choose their attractions, how one acts on them is a choice. This distinction is important in discussions about consent, respect, and ethical behavior in relationships.

In summary, while individuals can choose how to act on their attractions, the initial feeling of attraction itself is generally seen as something that happens automatically, influenced by a mix of biological, psychological, and social factors. This doesn't mean one can't work on broadening their perspective or understanding of attraction, but the initial spark is usually not within conscious control."


People tend to waste a lot of time
with screens.

And by the way: They are real and they are spectacular!