Donnerstag, 16. April 2020

Relationship maintenance:

Robin Dunbar:

"I think the story that Miller originally presented to account for the enormous size of human brains probably confounds two equally important, but very different, processes. One is mate advertising, for which a flowery vocabulary and verbal eloquence may well be a good cue of genetic quality, if only because it shows what a good brain you have. The other is maintaining the relationship once the knot has been tied - and that might well have a lot to do with some kind of entertainment value, a genuine Schezerade Affect."


Mark Manson:

"Back when I was dating, I found that I was incapable of dating girls who weren’t incredibly smart. I could make it 2-3 dates with a woman of average intelligence or less and that’s usually solely by merit of drowning my face in alcohol until I become incapable of listening to her any longer. Since a long-term relationship with these types of women would necessitate I take up alcoholism as a hobby, we inevitably part ways."

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