Sonntag, 12. April 2020


Winifred Gallagher:

"you cannot always be happy, but you can almost always be focused, which is the next best thing. As the poet says in Beowulf, 'Every life has more than enough sadness and more than enough joy.' By skillfully managing your attention, you're able to experience both in a balanced way and stay oriented in a positive, productive direction."


"your ability to focus on this and suppress that is the key to controlling your experience and, ultimately, your well-being."


"If you could look backward at your years thus far, you'd see that your life has been fashioned from what you've paid attention to and what you haven't."

"looking ahead, what you focus on from this moment will create the life and the person yet to be."


Ein "glückliches Leben" versus ein "Leben mit Tiefgang": Ein Leben mit Tiefgang kann durchaus auch reich an unglücklichen Stunden sein.

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