Dienstag, 8. Januar 2019

Intelligence and executive function: Can we reunite these disparate worlds?

Intelligence and executive function: Can we reunite these disparate worlds?
JMRS de León, MÁ Quiroga, R Colom

Fluid Intelligence (Gf):

"The use of deliberate and controlled procedures (often requiring focused attention) to solve novel, 'on-the-spot' problems that cannot be solved by using previously learned habits, schemas, and scripts."

General Working Memory:

"The ability to maintain and manipulate information in active attention."

Learning Efficiency:

"The ability to learn, store, and consolidate new information over periods of time measured in minutes, hours, days, and years."

Retrieval Fluency:

"The rate and fluency at which individuals can produce and selectively and strategically retrieve verbal and nonverbal information or ideas stored in longterm memory."

Processing Speed:

"The ability to control attention to automatically, quickly, and fluently perform relatively simple repetitive cognitive tasks. Gs may also be described as attentional fluency or attentional speediness."

Reaction and Decision Speed:

"The speed of making very simple decisions or judgments when items are presented one at a time."

Crystallized Intelligence:

"The ability to comprehend and communicate culturally valued knowledge. Gc includes the depth and breadth of both declarative and procedural knowledge, and skills such as language, words, and general knowledge developed through experience, learning and acculturation."

Domain Specific Knowledge:

"The depth, breadth, and mastery of specialized declarative and procedural knowledge (knowledge not all members of a society are expected to have)."

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