Sonntag, 19. August 2018

Price and Steven's Group-Splitting Model:

"Price and Stevens (1998, 1999; Stevens & Price, 2000) advanced the hypothesis that schizotypal traits promote charismatic/religious leadership, and play an adaptive role at the group level by favoring the splitting and dispersal of human communities. Many aspects of positive schizotypy - magical thinking, paranoid ideation, and the tendency to form novel and unusual ideas and express them in idiosyncratic ways - can contribute to a compelling leader personality, often with religious and messianic overtones. According to Price and Stevens, schizotypal leaders act as catalyzers for the origin of new belief systems; if they are successful, the subgroup that form around them and their beliefs may eventually split from the original group and become new social entities. ... schizotypy works as a high-risk strategy for the individual, with potentially high gains (becoming a charismatic leader) as well as losses (ostracism, schizophrenia). In some respects, schizotypy would be analogous to the adaptive dispersal phenotypes found in many other organisms, whereby some individuals develop an alternative morphological and/or behavioral profile that causes them away from the natal territory (e.g. swarming locusts)."

Marco Del Giudice; Evolutionary Psychiatry

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