Mittwoch, 15. August 2018

Affluence Scripts:

>How does script theory explain interests? Although Tomkins never specifically addressed interests, they would fall under the category of affluence scripts, “which address neither the damages, the limitations, the contaminations, nor the toxicities of the human condition, but rather those scenes which promise and deliver intense and/or enduring positive affects of excitement or enjoyment. These script the sources of the individual's zest for life” (Tomkins, 1991). Affluence scripts specify what the person will find to be fun and interesting. As with all scripts, they begin with a single scene involving an emotion and an object. An interest would develop when an activity arouses the interest affect—perhaps a high school student happens to watch a TV show on forensic science and is interested in how fiber evidence can catch untidy criminals. At this point it's impossible to know if an interest script will develop, unless the experience was so overwhelming as to form a script in itself. But perhaps the person runs across the same show the next week and is interested in how forensic scientists analyze questioned documents. Here we have the rudiments of script. These two experiences will cohere, given their core similarities, and be magnified by the emotional feelings of interest. A simple meaning emerges from this nascent script—“forensic science is fun,” perhaps.

The person can now predict and anticipate circumstances that will create interest—the script influences scenes. Should the student feel bored, for example, the script specifies forensic science as a promising possibility for interest and enjoyment. And, of course, this script can expand into a broader, more guiding script if more emotional scenes are added. The student might experience interest while reading a book on criminal profiling—this set of experiences would be assimilated and further magnify the script. The script might eventually become strong enough to influence major life decisions; the high school student might apply to colleges with good programs in forensic science. If these years of scenes continue to create interest and enjoyment, the script will influence career selection. But if they don't, then the script will change, either by being demagnified (incorporating scenes with relatively minor affect) or by including scenes with opposing affects.<

Paul Silvia, Exploring the Psychology of Interest

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