Samstag, 23. Dezember 2023

Digital Mimimalism:

Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport, via GPT:

Addictive Nature of Social Media: These platforms are designed to maximize user engagement, often at the expense of social and mental well-being​​.

Digital Minimalism Philosophy: This involves focusing online time on a select few activities that strongly support personal values, rather than indiscriminate use of digital services​​.

Importance of Solitude and Face-to-Face Communication: Emphasizes the value of spending time alone and engaging in direct, in-person conversations over digital connections​​.

High-Quality Leisure Activities: Encourages physical, creative, and social activities, contrasting with the passive engagement typically found in digital media consumption​​.

Avoiding 'Likes' and Comments on Social Media: Newport advises against using social media reactions and comments as substitutes for real conversation. These interactions are seen as superficial connections that can detract from more meaningful, face-to-face interactions​​​​.

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