Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2020

Deep Questions with Cal Newport

A new podcast available at Spotify;


"So how do you do general cognitive fitness? Well, there is a lot of different things that could help. I think embracing boredom is useful. ... I think you should be bored on a regular basis."

"One thing I would recommend is what in my book Deep Work I call Teddy Roosevelt sprints. So it's a technique inspired by the way Teddy Roosevelt attacked his deep work. What you wanna basically do is practice working on something as intensely as possible for a very limited amount of time."

"If you can do ninety minutes of sustained peak focus, and at the same time you have your general cognitive fitness going really well: you're comfortable with boredom, you are reading all the time, I think you can have a remarkable turnaround in your concentration abilities in let's say a six month period."

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