Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2019

"As life goes on, there is a constant change of our interests, and a consequent change of place in our systems of ideas, from more central to more peripheral, and from more peripheral to more central parts of consciousness. I remember, for instance, that one evening when I was a youth, my father read aloud from Boston newspaper that part of Lord Grifford's will which founded these four lectureships. At that time I did not think of being a teacher of philosophy, and what I listened to was as remote from my own life as if it related to the planet Mars. Yet here I am, with the Gifford system part and parcel of my very self, and all my energies, for the time of being, devoted to successfully identifying with it. My soul stands now planted in what once was for it a practically unreal object, and speaks from it as from its proper habitat and center."

William James

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