Donnerstag, 27. April 2023


Hin und wieder, gelegentlich, einen langen Abend Zeit um ein paar Bücher einzutauchen, das ist schon sehr viel, das bringt schon einiges mit sich. Also hier z.B. von William Zinsser:

"style is organic to the person doing the writing, as much a part of him as his hour, or, if he is bald, his lack of it. Trying to add style is like adding a toupee. At first glance the formerly bald man looks young and even handsome. But at second glance - and with a toupee there's always a second glance - he doesn't look quite right. ... The point is that he doesn't look like himself.

This is the problem with writers who set out deliberately to garnish their prose. You lose whatever it is that makes you unique. The reader will notice if you are putting on airs. Readers want the person who is talking to them to sound genuine. Therefore a fundamental rule is: be yourself.

No rule, however, is harder to follow."

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