Sonntag, 15. Januar 2023

The Vulnerability Hype:

There is this vulnerability hype - insofar it is interesting to know what "science says" about "radical openness / vulnerability / etc.":

Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, The Subtlety of Emotions:

"emotions express our most profound values and attitudes; revealing them may disclose our innermost, private emotions, thereby making us more vulnerable. Those who know all our emotional intimate details are in a better position to hurt us, if they chose to do so. Privacy is an essential characteristic of human existence and relinquishing it can be dangerous. We are not supposed to expose ourselves to everyone and to the same extent; the degree of exposure depends on the degree of closeness in our relationship. Full and limitless exposure is dangerous not merely to our physical well-being but also, or even mainly, to our mental safety. Despite the great authenticity of emotional states, expressing them constantly and publicly may be harmful insofar as our private self becomes part of the public domain. The demand for a total mental exposure is typical for totalitarian systems in which privacy endangers the very existence of the system."

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