Gordon Seidoh Worley
(o) I care about doing important, meaningful things in the world, like solving hard technical problems.
(o) I can solve those problems regardless of what I wear.
(o) Further, lots of the people who seem best at solving hard technical problems dress poorly.
(o) Also, I don't really understand fashion that well, and most of the people who do understand it seem to be focused on things other than solving hard technical problems.
(o) I should not care about dressing nicely. Just wear whatever is comfortable regardless of how it looks.
(o) Wearing a pot-leaf hoodie?
People will reasonably think you smoke weed and that smoking weed is important to you.
(o) Wearing a three-piece suit?
People will think you have money (because you had enough money at least to afford the suit) and are serious.
(o) Wearing a poorly fitted suit?
People will think you are a low-level employee of a faceless business and you don't have the experience or the money to dress better.
(o) Wearing a sundress or a tank top and shorts?
People will think you're relaxed and out to have a nice day off.
(o) Wearing yoga pants or sweat pants and graphic tee?
You're not especially concerned about your looks and just focused on getting through the day.
"dressing nice has made my life better. I can walk into interactions and get treated better because I dress nicer than I would otherwise. I can almost feel the positive attention radiating off other people. People like to look at people who are attractive and dress nice. Do what you can to make yourself more pleasant to interact with. It's a generally useful power you can direct to any purpose you like."
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