Samstag, 17. Februar 2024

Open Mode & Closed Mode:


Open Mode: [John] Cleese describes the open mode as a state of being where we are relaxed, expansive, less purposeful, and more contemplative. This mode is conducive to creativity, allowing for a broader range of possible solutions and ideas to emerge. It's characterized by a willingness to play, explore, and entertain seemingly irrelevant ideas without immediate judgment or criticism. The open mode is essential for brainstorming and generating new ideas, as it nurtures an environment where creativity can flourish.

Closed Mode: In contrast, the closed mode is a more focused, tight, and rigid state of mind. It is goal-oriented, with a greater emphasis on efficiency, getting things done, and adhering to specific plans or agendas. While the closed mode is not conducive to generating new ideas, it is critical for executing them. Once a creative idea has been explored in the open mode, the closed mode helps to implement it, organize tasks, and complete projects efficiently.

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