Samstag, 31. Juli 2021

Evidence of Assortative Mating for Theory of Mind via Facial Expressions but not Language

Emily Jackson et al.


Assortative mating (AM) is a phenomenon in which romantic partners typically resemble each other at a level greater than chance. There is converging evidence that social behaviours are subject to AM, though less is known regarding social cognition. Social functioning requires the ability to identify and understand the mental states of others, i.e., Theory of Mind (ToM). The present study recruited a sample of 102 heterosexual couples via an online survey to test if ToM as measured using facial expressions (Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test) or language (Stiller-Dunbar Stories Task) is associated with AM. Results showed existence of AM for ToM via facial expressions, though no such effect for ToM via language. AM for ToM via facial expressions was not moderated by length of relationship nor by partner similarity in age, educational attainment, or religiosity, all variables relevant to social stratification. This suggests AM for ToM via facial expressions is better explained by partners being alike at the start of their relationship (initial assortment) rather than becoming similar through sustained social interaction (convergence), and by people seeking out partners that are like themselves (active assortment) rather than simply pairing with those from similar demographic backgrounds (social homogamy).

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