"Suppose you meet someone, become friends with him, enjoy his company for several weeks, and then are confronted with a request to take care of his Great Dane while he’s on vacation. That’s the beginning of a new relationship. What had previously been completely beneficial to you now becomes a source of obligations and conflicts of interest. You’ll never be able to relax completely and enjoy that person again."
"In commercial situations, contracts are sometimes required. This is usually because the supplier doesn’t want to make a given investment unless he’s assured of an appropriate return on his investment."
"don’t make an institution of a relationship. Don’t add inappropriate activities to it, don’t try to fit it within a traditional context, don’t add duties and obligations to it that are irrelevant to the desires of the people involved. Let the relationship evolve as it will — as mutual self-interest leads it."
"If an individual is required to continue in a relationship past the time it’s beneficial to him, he loses. And it won’t be possible for him to satisfy the needs of anyone else in the relationship if he’s acting out of duty and not enthusiasm."
Einfach eine recht extreme Sicht von Beziehungen. Randolph Nesse führt hier das Thema Commitment an. Ich werde hierzu ein paar Zitate anführen.
"don’t make an institution of a relationship. Don’t add inappropriate activities to it, don’t try to fit it within a traditional context, don’t add duties and obligations to it that are irrelevant to the desires of the people involved. Let the relationship evolve as it will — as mutual self-interest leads it."
"If an individual is required to continue in a relationship past the time it’s beneficial to him, he loses. And it won’t be possible for him to satisfy the needs of anyone else in the relationship if he’s acting out of duty and not enthusiasm."
Einfach eine recht extreme Sicht von Beziehungen. Randolph Nesse führt hier das Thema Commitment an. Ich werde hierzu ein paar Zitate anführen.
"Suppose three men with the
unimaginative names of A, B, and C find that they have something in common. They
discover that they all like to drink beer, and they enjoy one another’s company and
conversation when they drink.
Suppose they find that they greatly enjoy getting together on Saturday nights to
drink beer. All well and good.
Our first principle suggests that they are still individuals, not a group. Neither of
them should allow his self-interest to be submerged into an artificial entity known as
“the group.”
For relationships with one another are a small part of their lives. Each of them
has many, many interests and concerns apart from beer and conversation about the
football scores."
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