Sonntag, 5. Januar 2020



"People often confuse it with sex. But people can be sexual without being intimate. One night stands, friends with benefits, or sex without love are examples of purely physical acts with no intimacy involved."

"Intimacy means deeply knowing another person and feeling deeply known."

"Intimacy is what most people long for but not everyone finds, or rather, makes. Why? Because intimacy, true closeness with another human being, can also be scary."

"Knowing: A truly intimate relationship lets both people know on the deepest level who they each truly are. "

"Acceptance: Neither person feels the need to change the other or to change themselves in fundamental ways."

"Emotional connection: Intimacy grows when people stay emotionally connected, even when there are problems to solve."


Psychology Today:

"Individuals that psychologists have dubbed openers have intimate conversations with others because something about them encourages disclosure. Those who don’t open up or make it easy for others to do so, known as high self-monitors, have a more difficult time with close relationships."

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