Sonntag, 25. September 2022

Romantic Love:

Helen Fisher:

"Romantic love is a drive ... it evolved to enable our forebears to focus their mating effort on a particular individual and begin the mating process."


"Romantic love affects us on a more personal level. If you are sexually attracted to a person you met at a party and are rejected, you don't tend to slip into a clinical depression or kill yourself. But if you are rejected by your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse, it has a huge impact."


"We propose that this attraction mechanism evolved to enable individuals to focus their mating energy on specific others, thereby conserving energy and facilitating mate choice—a primary aspect of reproduction."


Romantische Liebe im Sinne eines Bündelns und Konzentrierens des Paarungs-,Werbe- und romantischen Fürsorgeverhaltens

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