Eric Barker:
"So we have a trust problem. A communication problem. In other words, a signaling problem. ... So what's the solution? >Costly signals<."
Hopefully some interesting bits of information extracted from science and non-fiction literature. (For historical reasons there are some poems scattered throughout this blog.) Sachthemen und Sachtexte. (Historisch finden sich auf diesem Blog auch einige Gedichte und Aphorismen.) [Just collecting some exciting bits of information here.] [Eine Sammlung von interessanten Texten, Fragen und Antworten will das hier sein. Nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger.]
Eric Barker:
"So we have a trust problem. A communication problem. In other words, a signaling problem. ... So what's the solution? >Costly signals<."
Eric Barker:
"Eugene Mathes of Western Illinois University gave unmarried couples a jealousy test and then circled back seven years later. Three quarters of them had broken up, while the other quarter got married. Guess which group had the higher jealousy score? Exactly. ... a touch of jelousy can motivate couples to maintain the relationship."
Ein paar längere Bücher durcharbeiten: Ein paar hundert Seiten lang einem Gedankenfaden folgen. Die Vertiefung in ein langes Buch lässt sich auch Denkübung oder zumindest als Training der Aufmerksamkeit verstehen.
Eric Barker:
>The number one Google search related to married problems? "Sexless marriage."<
Es gehört mithin zu den am meisten entspannendenTätigkeiten, zu lesen und zu studieren, ein paar Stunden lang. In Bücher einzutauchen, aus Büchern aufzutauchen, nach Lust und Laune, ein paar Stunden lang.
DMT Fessler et al.; Nov 2022
Pain is a critical internal regulator of current and future behavior. However, pain also constitutes a tactical liability in agonistic interpersonal conflict. Therefore, information about the pain sensitivity of others should play a functional role in assessments of the formidability of prospective foes or allies. Compared to an individual known to be sensitive to pain, an individual known to be insensitive to pain should be assessed as more formidable, as it would be more difficult to deter the latter from aggressing, and more difficult to motivate them to desist should conflict erupt. Further, knowing that a potential antagonist is armed should lead observers to infer relative insensitivity to pain, as the costs of erroneously presuming that an armed individual is sensitive to pain – and thus is both more vulnerable and less likely to aggress – will generally be higher than the costs of erroneously presuming that they are insensitive to pain, and thus are both less vulnerable and more inclined to aggress. Here, we find support for these predictions in three pre-registered studies conducted with U.S. online crowdsource workers (N = 473; N = 204; N = 301). The intimate association between information regarding pain sensitivity and the process of formidability assessment has implications for a variety of pressing social issues, from the use of excessive force by police, to discriminatory racial biases in the provision of medical care.
Atsunobu Suzuki, Saori Tsukamoto and Yusuke Takahashi
Nov 2022
Brendan Zietsch (Nov 2022)
MSD Manual:
Frans De Waal:
"male chimps have evolved into opportunistic strategists, endowed by nature with an appropriately aggressive temper and intimidating pysique. They pack enormous muscles, looking coarse and menacing next to bonobo males with their lightweight bodies and more sensitive expressions.
Life in matrifocal societis has, therefore, created a different kind of male. There is nothing wrong with the bonobo male, even though most men would not want to be like him. He lacks the sort of control over his own destiny that males of their nearest relatives, humans and chimpanzees, claim as their birthright."
"Als moralisches Wesen bezeichnet man ein solches, welches fähig ist, seine früheren Handlungen und deren Motive zu überlegen, dabei die einen gutheißend, die anderen verwerfend ..."
Nehmen wir einmal an, Eysenck hatte diese Aussage damals gar nicht überspitzt:
Worauf wird sich dann die Aussage gegründet haben? Auf die Beobachtung von außergewöhnlicher Interessiertheit? Denkfähigkeit? Von umfassendem, tiefgreifendem Wissen?
David M. Buss:
"Darwin described intrasexual competition as the primary province of males and preferential mate choice as the primary province of females. Unlike many species, however, humans display mutual mate choice and both sexes compete intensely for desirable mates."