Hopefully some interesting bits of information extracted from science and non-fiction literature. (For historical reasons there are some poems scattered throughout this blog.) Sachthemen und Sachtexte. (Historisch finden sich auf diesem Blog auch einige Gedichte und Aphorismen.) [Just collecting some exciting bits of information here.] [Eine Sammlung von interessanten Texten, Fragen und Antworten will das hier sein. Nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger.]
Montag, 31. August 2015
Peter Frost:
Finally, there’s “game.” My attitude toward game is like my attitude toward gender reassignment. Both are attempts to push the envelope of phenotypic plasticity beyond its usual limits, and neither can fully achieve the desired result. A lot of boys aren’t wired for game, and there are good reasons why, just as there are good reasons why some people are born male. Male shyness isn’t a pathology. It’s an adaptation to a social environment that values monogamy and high paternal investment while stigmatizing sexual adventurism. Our war on male shyness reflects our perverse desire to create a society of Don Juans and single mothers.
But if game works, why not? Whatever floats your boat.
Freitag, 28. August 2015
Mittwoch, 26. August 2015
Love, Trust, and Evolution: Nurturance/Love and Trust as Two Independent Attachment Systems Underlying Intimate Relationships
Kevin MacDonald, Emily Anne Patch, Aurelio Jose Figueredo (2015)
Previous research has indicated two dimensions of attachment,
Avoidance and Anxiety. The main purpose of this paper is to show that
Avoidance is better conceptualized as Nurturance/Love within an
evolved systems perspective on personality, and that such a
reinterpretation provides a straightforward way of interpreting age
changes in patterns of sex differences and heritability of attachment. The
Anxiety dimension found in attachment research is conceptualized as
trust in the face of threat resulting from an Internal Working Model
based on experiences with the mother in situations pulling for fear and
influenced by individual differences in the personality system of
emotionality/neuroticism. Literature is reviewed showing that the two
dimensions of Nurturance/Love and Trust have important differences,
including different evolutionary functions and phylogeny, as well as
different emotions, brain mechanisms, and patterns of sex differences and heritability. This model is investigated using two versions of the
Experiences in Close Relationships Survey yielding measures of Anxiety
and Avoidance, and the Interpersonal Adjective Scale-Revised-Big 5, the
latter chosen because this personality measure is designed to measure
Nurturance/Love in a manner more consistent with an evolutionary
perspective on close relationships. 635 subjects participated in the study.
Results supported the hypotheses of a strong negative association
between Nurturance/Love and Avoidance as measured by the ECR and
no association between Nurturance/Love and Anxiety as measured by
the ECR. Results support the view that there are two systems underlying
close relationships, Nurturance/Love as a physiological reward system
designed to motivate close relationships and parental investment, and a
Trust mechanism that functions to produce expectations of trust that
others will help under conditions of personal threat.
Dienstag, 25. August 2015
Dienstag, 11. August 2015
The Evolutionary Future of Psychopathology
The Evolutionary Future of Psychopathology
Marco Del Giudice (2015)
o Evolutionary theory helps explain the origin and development of psychopathology.
o Recent evolutionary work has implications for taxonomies of mental disorders.
o Evolutionary psychopathology offers an integrative framework for the discipline.
Marco Del Giudice (2015)
o Evolutionary theory helps explain the origin and development of psychopathology.
o Recent evolutionary work has implications for taxonomies of mental disorders.
o Evolutionary psychopathology offers an integrative framework for the discipline.
Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology have made considerable progress over the last years. In this paper, I review recent advances in the field focusing on three core themes: the role of trade-offs and conflicts in the origins mental disorders, the evolution of developmental mechanisms, and the emergence of alternative classification systems based on life history theory. I situate these advances in the context of current research in psychopathology, and highlight their connections with other innovative approaches such as developmental psychopathology and computational psychiatry. In total, I argue that evolutionary psychopathology offers an integrative framework for the study of mental disorders in which multiple approaches can connect and cross-fertilize.
Montag, 10. August 2015
Discussions with feminists:
(A) Debate over women in combat decision
-> feminists discussing with Prof. Kingsley Browne (start 0:55)
(B) Donald Trump talking with a feminist
-> feminists discussing with Prof. Kingsley Browne (start 0:55)
(B) Donald Trump talking with a feminist
Sonntag, 9. August 2015
New Book: Evolution of Vulnerability - Implications for Sex Differences in Health and Development
Evolution of Vulnerability - Implications for Sex Differences in Health and Development
David C. Geary (2015)
David C. Geary (2015)
[currently only the ebook-version is available (the paperback version isn't published yet); see also: Sex differences in vulnerability; Evolution of Vulnerability I; Evolution of Vulnerability II;]
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