Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2024

Economic Value:


"economic value is determined by how many people can supply your type of labor versus how many people are demanding it."

Skill Gradients:

"A skill gradient represents the range or spectrum of proficiency levels within a particular skill or set of skills."

"teaching can be understood over an existing skill gradient between teacher and pupil. The concept of a skill gradient in this context represents the difference in knowledge and abilities between the teacher (who is more knowledgeable) and the pupil (who is learning). Understanding and utilizing this gradient effectively is crucial for successful teaching and learning."

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2024


Was ist bemerkenswert
an einer Sache,
an einer Angelegenheit?


Die Auseinandersetzung mit Wünschen,
mit den eigenen Wünschen 
und den Wünschen anderer Personen,
gibt dem Leben erst Farbe.


Intuitiv würde ich vermuten:
"Süßer als reiner Zucker geht es nicht."
Und selbst reiner Zucker ist noch
überschaubar süß.
Maximum vorhanden
und durchaus (ohne viel
Aufwand) erlebbar.

Having some children:

Jordan Peterson:

"People grow up when they get married. It is probably better to get married when you are young because then you grow up. And then what else matures people? I have met very few people who have fully matured who do not have children. I think there is a reason for that, a real technical reason. You are not mature until someone else matters more than you—period. Maybe that will be your wife or your husband, but probably not. They might matter as much as you, and maybe that is the right amount. But when you have children, they matter more than you, unless there is something seriously wrong with you. Very few parents, if push came to shove, would not die for their children. As soon as someone else matters more than you do in some fundamental sense, you have taken another step toward a true, mature responsibility. I do not see that you can do that without necessity, and there is nothing that screams necessity more than an infant."


Psychology Today:

"Humor, the capacity to express or perceive what's funny, is both a source of entertainment and a means of coping with difficult or awkward situations and stressful events. Although it provokes laughter, humor can be serious business. From its most lighthearted forms to its more absurd ones, humor can play an instrumental role in forming social bonds, releasing tension, or attracting a mate."

Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

Smashing Wedding Cakes on the Head of the Bride:

Liv Sage:

"I wouldn’t date a man if there was even a hint that he’d find doing this funny or acceptable. Sometimes that means you end up dating very serious men who don’t joke around much, but this is thoroughly undignified and embarrassing to your respective families. This is also why when girls tell me a top thing they look for in a man is that he’s funny (not a sense of humor, but funny), I have to wonder. A lot of “funny” guys are just clowns, and it takes more discernment to figure out a true clown from a lighthearted, funny guy. And it’s how you end up with a clown shoving a whole cake in your face. It’s one thing to put a piece of cake a bit sloppily into someone’s mouth. Throwing a whole cake, mashing cake in someone’s face? Clown behavior."



"As someone who has gotten much mileage out of joker and clown, I can tell you that they have great attractive power. You just better have more than that in the tank. The guys that are serious about something important, are the guys that have staying power. Everything else is just a fling."



"a woman would be unlikely to respect someone who acts like a clown just for laughs. Respect is typically earned through demonstrating competence, integrity, and maturity - not through engaging in silly or childish behavior solely for amusement. A balanced approach of having a good sense of humor while also behaving in a dignified manner is more likely to foster genuine respect in a relationship."



"The guys I dated who were 'very funny' were usually overcompensating for something. One of them was immature and terrible in bed, and the other suffered from depression. So now I go for guys who have a decent sense of humor but don’t feel the need to be the funniest in the room."



"The jokes, lightheartedness, nonstop conversation, and perpetual laughter were good until they weren't. I used to love how he could entertain anybody in the room, how he could float seamlessly between groups and conversations, and how he always seemed so secure socially. But the flip side was that he always had to make a funny comment in every situation, even when it wasn't needed or appropriate."



"I married the funny one. I love laughing. A sense of humor is an absolute must. But if I need to have a serious conversation and all my guy can do is make jokes instead of helping with solutions, we are fast-tracking to a bitter breakup. That was my ex. He was a class clown and the loudest person in any conversation; he always had to have the last word. I mistook it for confidence once upon a time."

Schreibtisch und Glück:

Die Zwei sind oft unzertrennbar miteinander verbunden.


What value does Twitter add to your life?

What are the "pluses", what are the "minuses" of using Twitter?

Females Love/Desire Commitment:

Geoffrey Miller:

"For most women, getting a guy to go steady as her boyfriend is a major milestone; getting him to propose marriage is the ultimate outcome."


Hat ein Mensch Freunde, so stellt sich die Frage:

"Was ist es, was er seinen Freunden gibt?"

Im Ökonomischen: "This person adds value to other people's lives."

Oder zu Deutsch: Er fügt hier etwas (subjektiv) Wertvolles zu den Leben anderer Personen hinzu.

Man kann sich fragen, worum es sich bei diesem "Plus" handelt.

The Compulsive High-Status Player:

Keith Johnstone:

"Another teacher, who was generally disliked, never punished and yet exerted a ruthless discipline. In the street he walked with fixity of purpose, striding along and stabbing people with his eyes. Without punishing, or making threats, he filled us with terror. We discussed with awe how terrible life must be for his own children ...

[This teacher] was a compulsive high-status player."

Ernsthaftigkeit am Beispiel des Bundespräsidenten:

"Amt und Verantwortung: Ernsthaftigkeit kann ein Ausdruck einer Verantwortung und des Bewusstseins für die Bedeutung eigener Entscheidungen sein.

Öffentliches Image: Politiker müssen oft ein bestimmtes öffentliches Image aufrechterhalten, das Professionalität und Kompetenz vermittelt. Ein ernstes Auftreten kann dazu beitragen, das Vertrauen der Wähler zu gewinnen und zu bewahren.

Politische Themen: Viele der Themen, mit denen sich Politiker beschäftigen, sind komplex und ernsthaft, wie Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Umwelt und internationale Beziehungen. Ein ernsthafter Ausdruck kann die Schwere und Bedeutung dieser Themen widerspiegeln.

Persönlicher Stil: Manche Menschen haben von Natur aus einen ernsteren Ausdruck oder eine zurückhaltendere Persönlichkeit, was sich auch in ihrer öffentlichen Rolle widerspiegeln kann.

Kulturelle Erwartungen: In einigen Kulturen wird von politischen Führern erwartet, dass sie Ernsthaftigkeit und Autorität ausstrahlen. Dies könnte ein Grund sein, warum Politiker einen ernsteren Ausdruck wählen."

Freitag, 26. Juli 2024


In the internet you will find quite some cynic stuff regarding women. Women are also just human beings and quite some of them are trying to act in a good way. There are psychopathy and hyper-ego-centrism present in the minds of some women. Nevertheless, such tendencies are also present in the minds of some men.

Science & Uncertainty:

Scientific thinking should try to reflect uncertainties.

Tension in Relationships:

Robert Glover argues that there has to be some kind of tension in a relationship so that a woman keeps her involvement in that relationship. According to Glover, a woman experiences an absence of tension as an absence of feelings for her relationship partner.

Was ist Intelligenz?

Die Intelligenzhöhe spiegelt, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz jemand Zusammenhänge auffindet. Wenn jemand in der Lage ist, rasch und mit verhältnismäßig wenig Aufwand Zusammenhänge aufzufinden, kann diese Person als "intelligent" bezeichnet werden.

Sehnsucht nach dem Schaffen:

Man sehnt sich nach einer Zeit, wo dann, einige Tage lang, das Schaffen und Schreiben wieder wie von selber geht. Warum hat man sich hiervon so weit entfernt? - Über entwickelte Selbstkritik? Andere Ansprüche an sich selber? Wobei durch die Ansprüche das Tun rasch wieder ins Stocken gerät.

Lesen mit Stift:

Mit dem Stift in der Hand lesen.
Nicht um Text anzustreichen.
Sondern um kommentieren zu können,
Gedanken zu Papier bringen zu können;
Der Notizen wegen.


David Sloan Wilson:

"Why should a merry mood enhance survival and reproduction? ... You can't learn new things if you're scrabbling for your next meal or fearing for your life. Our ancestors spent a lot of time scrabbling for food and fearing for their lives as they descended from the trees and ventures out onto the African plains in their wobbly two legs. Periods of safety and satiety were few and far between. Human laughter probably initially evolved as a signal for identifying these periods ..."


>"Chemie" zwischen einem Mann und einer Frau lässt sich auch als "Spannung" zwischen ihnen verstehen. Der Begriff "Chemie" beschreibt im zwischenmenschlichen Kontext eine besondere Verbindung oder Anziehungskraft, die zwischen zwei Personen besteht. Diese Verbindung ... wird oft durch eine spürbare Spannung oder ein Kribbeln charakterisiert.

Diese "Spannung" kann sich in verschiedenen Formen zeigen, wie z.B. in intensiven Blicken, einer besonderen Art der Kommunikation oder in einer Anziehung, die beide Personen spüren. Es handelt sich um eine nicht greifbare, aber fühlbare Energie, die oft schwer in Worte zu fassen ist. Diese Spannung ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass zwischen den beiden Personen eine besondere Dynamik besteht.<

Without Standards:

Quintus Curtius:

"Because no one today wants to be held to any standard. The very idea of graded ranks is irksome to marshmallow-bodied dunces, nibbilicious dorks, slackers, and slimebags. They don't want to be judged. They want to shuffle along ..."

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Free Will:


"I do what I'm able to do within certain constraints. I assume this is the same for everybody. Why is this obvious thing even worth talking about?"

The Monotony of Everyday-Life:

Gia Macool:

"Going to the gym is monotonous.  Building a business is monotonous. Raising children is monotonous.  Marriage has monotony.  Monotony is essential for success! Thriving in life requires long periods of consistency, which becomes boring. Many confuse distractions with excitement because they relied on money; trips and shopping sprees to impress others. This is why you cannot negotiate genuine desire and 70% of divorces today happen because people negotiate desire. Their relationships weren't built on genuine companionship. Companionship doesn’t need distractions. In a world addicted to dopamine, true companionship is seen as boring."

Life is a long game:

very moisturized:

"There’s a period of time in your youth where it’s easy to be attractive, stay in shape, when you’re abound with energy so it’s easy to work long, grueling hours and most importantly people’s expectations of you are relatively low and they are more forgiving of your mistakes - you simply have more time to rebound from your fuck ups. The true test of your merits is really determined by how well you age and where you end up. Life is a long game."

Montag, 22. Juli 2024

The Economic Model of Relationships:

The Value of Others (Orion Taraban):

"People want things from other people. This is why other people represent both a potential solution and a potential problem. They are a potential solution when they have the things we want and are willing to give them to us. On the other hand, they are a potential problem when they don't have the things we want - or when they do have them but won't give them to us. And it's far from straightforward to determine which people are which - which is why other people are typically a problem until they prove otherwise."

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024

Zwang und Drang:

"Ein Zwang ist ein wiederholtes, unkontrollierbares Verhalten oder ein Gedanke, der oft als belastend empfunden wird. ... Menschen mit Zwängen fühlen sich oft gezwungen, bestimmte Handlungen auszuführen oder Gedanken zu denken, um Angst oder Unbehagen zu reduzieren."

"Ein Drang ist ein starkes Verlangen oder Bedürfnis, etwas zu tun, das meist spontan und nicht zwangsläufig belastend ist. Dränge können von innen kommen (wie Hunger oder Durst) oder durch äußere Reize ausgelöst werden (wie der Geruch von frischem Brot). Im Gegensatz zu Zwängen werden Dränge nicht als störend oder belastend empfunden."


"Zwang: Unfreiwillig und schwer kontrollierbar. Menschen fühlen sich oft gezwungen, eine Handlung auszuführen, auch wenn sie diese als sinnlos oder belastend empfinden.
Drang: Freiwillig und kontrollierbar. Menschen haben ein starkes Bedürfnis, etwas zu tun, können aber normalerweise entscheiden, ob sie diesem Bedürfnis nachgeben."

Emotionale Reaktion:

"Zwang: Führt oft zu Angst oder Unbehagen, wenn der Zwang nicht ausgeführt wird.
Drang: Führt zu einem angenehmen Gefühl oder Erleichterung, wenn der Drang befriedigt wird, aber verursacht nicht notwendigerweise Unbehagen, wenn er nicht befriedigt wird."

Auwirkungen auf das tägliche Leben:

"Zwang: Kann das tägliche Leben stark beeinträchtigen und die Lebensqualität mindern.
Drang: Beeinflusst das tägliche Leben in der Regel nur geringfügig und ist oft Teil des normalen menschlichen Verhaltens."

Values as Bets:

I like the idea that values (e.g. honesty, family life (having some children), productivity, etc.) are bets on what is best in life. Quite some bets are bad bets. Nevertheless, you cannot avoid making bets. You have to act. You have to play the game. 


"Your values are a bet on what is best in life." 


Human beings need quite some space for relaxation.

What People Want in a Partner:

Cremiuex, Twitter:

"People say they want certain things in partners, but they reveal they want other things. The rank correlation is high, but there's some discrepancy."

No Individuals:

via Robin Hanson:

>Peter Thiel: I went to the World Economic Forum in Davos the last time in 2013, and of course, they have the same ideas as the mob. And in some ways, it is a mob. And people are there only in their capacity as representatives of corporations or of governments or of NGOs. 

And it really hit me: There are simply no individuals. There are no individuals in the room. There’s nobody there who’s representing themselves. 

And it’s this notion of the future I reject. A picture of the future where the future will be a world where there are no individuals. There are no people with ideas of their own. There’s nobody to say, this is wrong. This doesn’t make sense. And I’m going to think differently. I’m going to think for myself.<

The Effects of Sex:

very moisturized:

"I call it being f-cked back to the factory settings."

""If your woman isn’t acting normally and being annoying just take her to the bedroom and then she’ll be normal again. It’s like changing the batteries on a remote."" 

... sounds somewhat crazy.

Reading Capability:

Liv Sage:

>“What about people who can’t read that much/fast?” Perhaps academia is not the correct path. Not everything is for everyone. Not everything needs to accommodate everyone.<

Capitalist City:

Diana Fleishman:

"A capitalist city is a filter. On average, relatively bright, industrious, hardworking or conscientious (or people connected to the above) people can afford to live there. But, all too often, people confuse metropolitan diversity with regular diversity, which includes a diversity of conscientiousness, industriousness, intelligence, exploitability and psychopathy."

Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2024

Great Art:

A good piece of art draws you in.


A good talk draws you in.


A good book draws you in.

A Priori Rational Intuition:

Timothy Williamson:

"a priori rational intuition, which crude rationalists regard as a virtue and crude empiricists as a vice."

"Since confinement to an armchair does not deprive one of one’s linguistic competence, a tempting answer is that the proper business of philosophy is with language."

"many analytic metaphysicians want to understand the nature of time itself, not just our concept of time or what we mean by the word ‘time’; they suspect that the latter may somehow embody misconceptions about time. "


Warum hinterlassen manche Personen in anderen Personen einen deutlichen Eindruck?

Nützliche Gegenstände für zu Hause:

Bett; Schreibtisch; ein paar Sessel; Nahrungsvoräte - sowie Möglichkeiten, diese zuzubereiten ...

Zu Hause als ein Feld für geistige Arbeit.

Zu Hause hier auch im Sinne eines abgeschiedenen Häuschens gedacht,
in dem Arbeit und Vertiefung statt finden kann.

Glückliche Stunden: das sind oft Zeitspannen, in denen Vertiefung gelingt.

Freies Schreiben / Assoziatives Schreiben:

Beim freien Schreiben kann es nützlich sein,
den Filter herunterzufahren.

Ihn zu reduzieren; nicht aber ihn auszuschalten.
Ein moderat reduzierter Zustand meist besser
als ein stark reduzierter Zustand.

Die Ausschaltung des Filters führt ins
(innere) Chaos.

Eine Million Page Views:

Der Blog hat vor ein paar Tagen die Eine-Million-Page-Views-Marke überschritten.


Fidelity & Sex:

Dr. Laurie:

"I fully agree with the fact that you know certainly in a marriage if you've committed to fidelity you are in a sexual contract you know and it's it's not fair to say well you know I I'm not going to be sexual with you but I'm going to expect fidelity from you that's a total not fair sort of thing. ... It's like well I don't want you but I I don't want you to have anybody else."

"that secure sexuality you know is really about um the commitment and the promise onto an erotic life it's not just it's not just saying I'll do it with you it's like I'm committed to having an erotic life with you that's really different"

"our partner may not be in the same place as us sexually but if we know our partner is committed to an erotic life with us we can be relaxed"

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024


"Suppose you meet someone, become friends with him, enjoy his company for several weeks, and then are confronted with a request to take care of his Great Dane while he’s on vacation. That’s the beginning of a new relationship. What had previously been completely beneficial to you now becomes a source of obligations and conflicts of interest. You’ll never be able to relax completely and enjoy that person again."


"In commercial situations, contracts are sometimes required. This is usually because the supplier doesn’t want to make a given investment unless he’s assured of an appropriate return on his investment."


"don’t make an institution of a relationship. Don’t add inappropriate activities to it, don’t try to fit it within a traditional context, don’t add duties and obligations to it that are irrelevant to the desires of the people involved. Let the relationship evolve as it will — as mutual self-interest leads it."


"If an individual is required to continue in a relationship past the time it’s beneficial to him, he loses. And it won’t be possible for him to satisfy the needs of anyone else in the relationship if he’s acting out of duty and not enthusiasm."


Einfach eine recht extreme Sicht von Beziehungen. Randolph Nesse führt hier das Thema Commitment an. Ich werde hierzu ein paar Zitate anführen.


"Suppose three men with the unimaginative names of A, B, and C find that they have something in common. They discover that they all like to drink beer, and they enjoy one another’s company and conversation when they drink. Suppose they find that they greatly enjoy getting together on Saturday nights to drink beer. All well and good. Our first principle suggests that they are still individuals, not a group. Neither of them should allow his self-interest to be submerged into an artificial entity known as “the group.” For relationships with one another are a small part of their lives. Each of them has many, many interests and concerns apart from beer and conversation about the football scores."


“Luck is the residue of design.”

— Douglas Murray

Sonntag, 14. Juli 2024


Probably caused by overstimulation, my memory got weaker and weaker.

A Rational Being:

A rational being takes one (cognitive) step after another.

Without Input:

According to Newport it's a good idea to spend some hours each day without much external input produced by other minds.

Wenig Lektüre:

Ich verfüge über viele Bücher, habe aber doch in den letzten zehn Jahren relativ wenig gelesen. Sicherlich spielen hier Bildschirme/Computer/Netzwerke eine gewisse Rolle.


You have to restrict your consumption when you want to produce anything of value.

The Family:

>The family has the mission of helping individuals to mature, which entails saying “no” to bad choices in order to promote better choices — “no” to bad taste in order to promote better taste — “no” to clinging to childishness in order to promote growth. The market encourages individuals to pursue rational self-interest ...<

>The things that make the family unique — namely birth, childhood, and parenting — cannot be understood in liberal terms as the rational, self-interested choices of autonomous individuals.<

>Secular weddings, easy divorce, and childless unions all undermine the attempt to meld autonomous individuals into a whole that is greater than themselves.<

>[Love] seizes us from behind, or from within. It humiliates our rationality and autonomy.<

>You can’t replace your parents or children like you can replace a plumber or a veterinarian, even though relationships can get so bad that you want to try.<

>Liberalism’s ideal is to replace all unchosen relationships and obligations with chosen ones. For the liberal, if you don’t choose a relationship, if you don’t consent to it, if it is not voluntary, then it is illegitimate. The only legitimate relationships are consensual. Liberalization is equivalent to making all of society into a marketplace, because market transactions are the model of liberal relationships.

But there is a downside to making all relationships consensual. Consent is mutual. Both parties must agree. Which means that both parties must get something out of the relationship. What happens when a relationship no longer works for one party? He can always exercise his right to withdraw. But is this always a good thing?

You might be pleased to have such rights, but your partners have the same rights in relation to you. Thus as social relationships become increasingly liberalized, your status becomes increasingly conditional, i.e. increasingly contingent on the judgments of others. But contingency here is just another word for insecurity, specifically dependency on the choices of others, which ultimately means: dependency on their good opinion of you.

If freedom consists in exercising choice, then liberalizing society certainly creates more freedom, but at the cost of making everyone’s status contingent on the free choices of everybody else. Thus the freer a society is in the liberal sense, the more insecure everyone is about his status. Thus to secure one’s status, one must please others.

... This is the paradox of liberal individualism. By making an idol of autonomous choice, it makes one’s status entirely dependent on the decisions of others, creating a society in which insecurity is rampant and conformism highly incentivized. Hence the need for a haven, a realm where you are secure enough to relax and simply be yourself.<

Samstag, 13. Juli 2024



Suddenly this guy's spirit gained a distinct flavor.

A flavor it had almost lost years ago.

Social Dancing:


"Social dancing (like blues, swing, etc) is interesting cause it's sometimes a microcosm of social dynamics at large. You have your own skill level, which u know roughly but not exactly, and you generally enjoy dances with people above your own skill level more."

"It's emphasized in the culture that you can turn down dances for any reason, but people still mostly don't do this, and if someone is very far above your skill level, you might feel bad asking them to dance cause you anticipate you're mismatched in a way that is worse for them"

"So there's some fascinating things going on where people are trying to make decisions about who to interact with based on (at least partially) skill, but their knowledge of their own level is blurry, and they have incentives to dance w higher skill but not too high"

Being Independent:


"Tate is in my book a psychopathic asshole. BUT he is independent and what he is saying is true for authors, actors, journos, politicians: some lobby owns you. The higher your position the more fragile you will be. Alas v. few nonpsychopaths are independent!"


Noah Smith:

"Financially speaking, wealth equals the market value of assets (net of liabilities). But economically speaking, wealth — or what economists call “capital” — is all of the actual durable stuff that we use to produce all the things that we want. It’s the actual houses, office buildings, roads, water pipes, machine tools, cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats, tractors, harvesters, construction machinery, computers, software, and so on. And it’s also the business organizations, the technological know-how, the corporate brands, the relationships, the education and skills, and all the other intangible assets that go into production. It’s anything that’s both durable and productive — anything that lasts for a significant time after you create it, and which can be used to produce useful goods and services."

Nervousness and pressure in a given situation:

"Nervousness is the product of 'The fear of failure'. All your body systems are on high alert when you don't want to fail.

While talking to someone you really admire, you want them to see the best of you, so there is a lot of pressure to present yourself well. Also, the stakes are pretty high for you as compared to talking to other people and that makes the situation even worse.

I won't ask you to be yourself and get relaxed. I believe you have tried that already!"


"I get anxiety, and I’m usually able to control it, but in front of certain people, say, people I like, I can’t control it and it really sucks because I wish I could be myself but it just happens subconsciously."


"When I feel attracted to someone I am more shy with them than with many other guys I don’t know. With those I am not interested in, I would be laughing, talking, joking, but with the guy I feel attracted to, I would be restrained."


"In my experience, I always get really nervous and shy around guys that I’m really attracted to. When I’m not attracted to a guy, I can have full conversations without any problem. "


"we usually get nervous around people we like, and confident around others who we don’t care for or don’t know or don’t wanna know because their opinion don’t matter"


Nervousness & Attraction:

"Participants reported most frequently experiencing increased attentiveness, smiling, staring, heart rate, giggling/laughter, blushing, and difficulty concentrating during this first encounter. Both sexes reported speaking faster and being less able to express themselves clearly, and women reported using a higher pitch and having a more unsteady tone of voice during an initial encounter of attraction. Further, participants reported observing similar nervous reactions by others whom they perceived were attracted to them."


"Susan M. Hughes et al. (2020) studied nervous behaviors displayed in response to interpersonal attraction and found that people use nervous reactions to assess whether someone is attracted to them."


“Participants reported that they did, indeed, experience a cluster of anxiety-related physiological and behavioral reactions during an initial encounter with someone they found highly attractive."

Freitag, 12. Juli 2024

Too many words:

via James Thompson, Twitter:

“A man who uses a great many words to express his meaning is like a bad marksman who, instead of aiming a single stone at an object, takes up a handful and throws at it in hopes he may hit.”

Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

The Deep Life:

Cal Newport:

"The deep life, of course, is not for everybody. It requires hard work and drastic changes to your habits. For many, there’s a comfort in the artificial busyness of rapid e-mail messaging and social media posturing, while the deep life demands that you leave much of that behind."

The Ability of ChatGPT to Tackle Hard Problems:

via Robin Hanson: 

"its ability to generate functional code for 'hard' problems dropped from 40% to 0.66% after this time as well. 'A reasonable hypothesis for why ChatGPT can do better with algorithm problems before 2021 is that these problems are frequently seen in the training dataset'"

Communication via the Internet:

Jaron Lanier:

"Anonymous blog comments, vapid video pranks, and lightweight mashups may seem trivial and harmless, but as a whole, this widespread practice of fragmentary, impersonal communication has demeaned interpersonal interaction."

Deep Work:

Deep Work:

Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.

Shallow Work: 

Noncognitively demanding, logistical-style tasks, often performed while distracted. These efforts tend to not create much new value in the world and are easy to replicate.

The Deep Work Hypothesis:

The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive.

1. The ability to quickly master hard things.
2. The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.

The Principle of Least Resistance:

In a business setting, without clear feedback on the impact of various behaviors to the bottom line, we will tend toward behaviors that are easiest in the moment.

Busyness as Proxy for Productivity:

In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many knowledge workers turn back toward an industrial indicator of productivity: doing lots of stuff in a visible manner.


Wie sehr lässt sich "ein Gedicht in die Welt zwingen"?

Wie sehr kommen Gedichte erst dann, wenn sich der rechte Zeitpunkt einstellt?

Tiefe einer Beschäftigung:

Auch - die Beschäftigung über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg.

Schreiben und Konzentration:

Kann das Schreiben die Konzentrationsfähigkeit üben?

An Sätze immer wieder neue Sätze anfügen.

Neue Werkzeuge oder neue Gedanken:

Im Englischen - was hat mehr bewegt?:

New tools or new concepts?

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024

Der Umgang mit Tests und Provokationen als Fitness-Indikator:

Evo Psych:

"Tests und Provokationen können als Mittel dienen, um die „Fitness“ eines potenziellen Partners zu evaluieren. Indem jemand seinen Partner herausfordert, kann er feststellen, wie dieser auf Stress, Konflikte oder Unsicherheiten reagiert. Solche Reaktionen geben Hinweise auf die emotionale Stabilität und die Fähigkeit zur Problemlösung, die beide wichtige Faktoren für eine langfristige Partnerschaft sind."

Unangenehme Erfahrungen:

Wie kann es kommen, dass viele unangenehme Erfahrungen mit einem anderen Subjekt gemacht werden?


Der Intellekt allein kann zwei Personen nicht dauerhaft verbinden. Immer braucht es auch oder insbesondere etwas Anderes, dass eine Verbundenheit aufrecht erhalten werden kann.


"Menschen mit bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen wie hoher Gewissenhaftigkeit oder Neurotizismus neigen eher dazu, selbstkritisch zu sein."

Wie sehr bleiben Überlegungen an der Oberfläche?

Solange eine Beschäftigung mit Themen hauptsächlich über ein Lesen von Aphorismen und Absätzen und über ein Schreiben von Aphorismen und Absätzen vor sich geht, bleiben Überlegungen vorranging an der Oberfläche.


 "An aggressive action is intentional behavior aimed at causing either physical or psychological pain."

"Hostile aggression is an act of aggression stemming from feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain."

"Instrumental aggression is aggression that serves as a means to some goal other than causing pain."

"Both animal and human studies show that pain will increase the probability that an organism will aggress. Other forms of bodily discomfort (heat, humidity, air pollution, offensive odors) may also act to lower the threshold for aggressive behaviors."

"Frustration-aggression theory says that frustration, the perception that you are being prevented from obtaining a goal, will increase the probability of an aggressive response."

"People usually feel the need to reciprocate after they are provoked by aggressive behavior from another person."

Welt ohne Freundlichkeit:

Ein kühle Welt betreten,
in der sich kaum Freundlichkeit findet.

Warum werden manche Situationen immer unangenehmer eingefärbt?

"Frühere negative Erfahrungen können dazu führen, dass ähnliche zukünftige Situationen als unangenehmer wahrgenommen werden. Dies kann zu einer Art "Erwartungseffekt" führen, bei dem man davon ausgeht, dass bestimmte Situationen unangenehm sein werden, was die eigene Wahrnehmung beeinflusst."

"Mit zunehmendem Alter oder Erfahrung kann die Selbstwahrnehmung und die Tendenz zur Selbstkritik steigen. Dies kann dazu führen, dass man sich in bestimmten Situationen unwohler fühlt, weil man sich stärker selbst bewertet."

"Chronischer Stress oder Überlastung kann die Fähigkeit, mit unangenehmen Situationen umzugehen, beeinträchtigen. In solchen Fällen können auch kleinere Unannehmlichkeiten als deutlich belastender empfunden werden."


"Manche Menschen haben von Natur aus eine höhere Neigung zur Nervosität und Unruhe aufgrund ihrer Persönlichkeit und genetischen Veranlagung."

Inflicting Pain:

"Some individuals might use pain and conflict as a way to exert control or maintain power within the relationship. This can stem from a desire to dominate the partner or fear of losing control."

"When one partner is overly dependent on the other for emotional validation and support, it can create an unhealthy dynamic. This dependency can lead to possessiveness, jealousy, and behaviors intended to manipulate or hurt the other partner to secure attention and affirmation."

"Fundamental differences in values, goals, or lifestyles can lead to ongoing conflict. Partners who are fundamentally incompatible might struggle to find common ground, resulting in continuous friction and pain."

"External factors such as financial stress, work pressure, or family issues can contribute to relationship tension. Partners may take out their frustrations on each other, leading to hurtful interactions."

"Some individuals struggle with managing their emotions effectively. This lack of emotional regulation can result in impulsive reactions, anger outbursts, or passive-aggressive behavior that causes pain to the partner."

Good & Evil:

War and Peace (via Bryan Caplan):

"He suffered from an unlucky faculty — common to many men, especially Russians — the faculty of seeing and believing in the possibility of good and truth, and at the same time seeing too clearly the evil and falsity of life to be capable of taking a serious part in it. Every sphere of activity was in his eyes connected with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he took up, evil and falsity drove him back again and cut him off from every field of energy. And meanwhile he had to live, he had to be occupied. It was too awful to lie under the burden of those insoluble problems of life, and he abandoned himself to the first distraction that offered, simply to forget them. He visited every possible society, drank a great deal, went in for buying pictures, building, and above all reading."

Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

The Shallows:

"Don't all these little tweets, these little sips of online connection, add up to one big gulp of ..."

"No, they don't."

The Mirror Test:

Rolf Degen:

When infants first pass the mirror test, they suddenly and embarrassingly realize that this is how others see them, and that they may not like what they see. Thus begins the lifelong human obsession with what others think of us.… As a species, we have evolved the uncanny ability to reflect upon ourselves as an object not only of reflection but also of evaluation. A trademark of being human is that we constantly compare, monitor, and evaluate ourselves in relation to others. In typical development, it appears that the first unambiguous signs of self-consciousness in human ontogeny can be safely posited as emerging by the middle of the second year. From 18 months of age, on average, infants will start selectively and systematically modifying their behavior to please an adult, displaying unambiguous audience effects. Likewise, it is also at around the same age that children start passing the mirror mark test, discovering and reaching directly toward a mark that was surreptitiously placed on their forehead. When children pass the mirror mark test, they do so not only by directly touching the mark they discover on their face but also typically with accompanying expressions of embarrassment. What they recognize is their public image, what they project to the outside world and may be sanctioned by, with the dreaded possibility of disapproval and social rejection. Why otherwise would they display embarrassment as they recognize themselves with an unexpected mark on their face? Why would not they express amusement and positive surprise? The child typically responds by immediately removing the mark, often stunned and hiding their face in shame following a swift mark removal. They may also engage in self-conscious clowning of themselves. It is also the first clear expression of what we see as the fateful human self-reflexive loop, the source of human shame, guilt, and the quest for approval and positive evaluation from others to avoid the fundamental dread of social rejection.

Hobbies & Friendships:


Germany, Eastern Europe, Italy:

Christoph Breuer:

Most German-Slavic couples I know are man/woman

Most German-Italian couples I know are woman/man

Scary, but worth it:


"A lot of the best things in life fall into the “scary but worth it” category 

- Leaving home 
- Falling in love 
- Driving 
- Buying a house 
- Marriage 
- Children 
- Travel 

We used to focus on the “worth it” aspect, now we hyper focus on the “scary” and we’re paralyzed by the fear."

Atomic Bombs:

C. S. Lewis:

Wasted Life:

 Billy Pratt:

In 20 years he’s going to regret the opportunities he wasted at 47

Tough Love:

Kat Woods:

"Tough love" needs a rebranding. The way I feel it is more "long-term love". It's giving loved ones what they want in the long run, not just what they want right now. It's recognizing that treating people like delicate flowers makes them less happy in the long run.


Expressing compassion whenever somebody seems upset is actually not always the most compassionate thing to do Don't by default just validate people's interpretations that are negative and cause suffering. Sometimes the most compassionate thing is to see the humor in the situation and help your friend see it as well."

Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024


Ungeübt zu sein, in der Erbringung von Denkarbeit.

Verlust an Aufmerksamkeit:

Ich habe in den letzten Jahren sehr wenige Bücher "from cover to cover" gelesen.

Computer und Netzwerke (von Computern) sind heute die größte Ablenkung; reduzieren die Tiefe der Auseinandersetzung.