Montag, 31. Juli 2023


Auch in einem gut geschriebenen Sachbuch steckt "Poesie drinnen". Ein paar gut formulierte Zeilen mitsamt Inhalt aufzulesen und aufzusammeln, das hat schon großen Reiz.


Alvin Roth:

>Matching< ist ein volkswirtschaftlicher Fachbegriff, der den Prozess bezeichnet, durch den wir die vielen Dinge im Leben bekommen, für die wir uns entschieden haben, die sich aber ihrerseits auch für uns entscheiden müssen.


Der lange Arm
eines Ereignisses,
in manchen Fällen.

Three Questions:

Mark Manson:

1. What am I working on and why?

2. Who am I spending time with and why?

3. How well am I treating my body and why?

Sonntag, 30. Juli 2023


farnam street:

>A lot of people say, “If you want to be happy, don’t have expectations.” And I think that’s a really good way to be unhappy for the rest of your life because … if you don’t have expectations, you will just put up with everything. I mean, you don’t expect anything for yourself. With high expectations, with [a] kind of enforceability around that, you’re not going to put up with a bad relationship, a bad work environment, a bad employee, all of these types of things.<

New Book by Cal Newport - Slow Productivity:

A new book by Cal Newport will be available in March 2024

"Do Fewer Things. Work at a Natural Pace. Obsess over Quality."


Mehr als je zuvor existiert gegenwärtig ein großes Volumen an Ablenkungen. Gerade der Umgang mit Bildschirmen hat erlernt zu werden.


Aussagen können so allgemein gehalten werden, dass sie kaum wiederlegbar sind.


Sich regelmäßig Zeitrahmen abstecken, innerhalb von denen ablenkungsfrei eine Vertiefung stattfinden kann.

Samstag, 29. Juli 2023

 Paul Graham:

"There are a lot of people doing something that works without completely understanding why it works. I didn't realize this as a kid. I thought that to do something well you had to understand what you were doing. But in practice hardly anyone understands completely."

Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2023

Silence & Boredom:

Mark Manson:

Get comfortable with silence. That way you will only feel the need to speak when you have something important to say.

Get comfortable with boredom. That way you will only feel the need to do something when it is actually worth doing.

Dienstag, 25. Juli 2023


"[Equations] are just a way to compactly summarize a relationship between different quantities."

Sean Carroll

Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2023

The Curse of the Elite:

Gregory Clark via Rob Henderson: 

"The curse of the elite is that they are surrounded by imposters, possibly including themselves, and thus the marriage market for the upper classes is full of prospects likely to underperform."

Montag, 17. Juli 2023

The Unlucky Man:

Quintus Curtius:

"unlucky is he who deludes himself into believing he has arrived at weighty insights from the contemplation of the four walls around him."

Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

Samstag, 15. Juli 2023


Ein paar gute Sätze an einem Tag gelesen, gehört, gesprochen, gedacht zu haben, das macht schon etwas aus.

Showing a performance:

 Do females "perform" more often than males do in social settings?

Why it hurts: with freedom comes the biological need for pain

Keith D. Farnsworth & Robert W. Elwood


We argue that pain is not needed to protect the body from damage unless the organism is able to make free choices in action selection. Then pain (including its affective and evaluative aspects) provides a necessary prioritising motivation to select actions expected to avoid it, whilst leaving the possibility of alternative actions to serve potentially higher priorities. Thus, on adaptive grounds, only organisms having free choice over action selection should experience pain. Free choice implies actions must be selected following appraisal of their effects, requiring a predictive model generating estimates of action outcomes. These features give organisms anticipatory behavioural autonomy (ABA), for which we propose a plausible system using an internal predictive model, integrated into a system able to produce the qualitative and affective aspects of pain. Our hypothesis can be tested using behavioural experiments designed to elicit trade-off responses to novel experiences for which algorithmic (automaton) responses might be inappropriate. We discuss the empirical evidence for our hypothesis among taxonomic groups, showing how testing for ABA guides thinking on which groups might experience pain. It is likely that all vertebrates do and plausible that some invertebrates do (decapods, cephalopods and at least some insects).

Emotional Tension:

Robert Glover:

"I had the most amazing revelation after a run on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, spring 2008. I’m not sure where the insight came from, but when it hit me, it almost blew my mind.

The >aha< of that moment made almost every question I’d ever had about women – as a single and married man – crystal clear.

Here it is:

>Women have to experience emotional tension to feel attraction and attachment to a man.<

That’s it.

In that moment, everything became clear. Everything I’d ever done wrong with women. Everything I’d ever done right with women (but didn’t know why). Everything women had ever done that made absolutely no sense to me at the time.

I was so immediately blown away, I ran back to my room and wrote eleven legal pages of notes on how to apply this information.

Here are the basics:

>For a woman to be attracted to a man, she has to feel emotional tension with him (which often gets translated into physical and sexual tension).<

Check out a few chick-flicks to see what I’m talking about.

For a woman to remain attached to a man, she has to regularly feel emotional tension with him."

"the truth is that, for women, drama is foreplay."

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2023

Ein paar Programme:

Ein paar schöne Programme will ich schreiben. Gegenwärtig. Viel mehr dann auch nicht.

Das Programmieren, das (statistische) Modellieren: Das sind Themen für die ich mich gegenwärtig stark interessiere. Wie verarbeite ich einen Datensatz, sodass ich aus ihm die nützliche Information herausziehe? Wie gestalte ich hierbei den Code effizient? Gegenwärtig gehe ich diese Themen nahezu exklusive in Python an.

Dienstag, 11. Juli 2023


Es ist Schade, wenn sich ein Mensch verliert. Wenn jemand in einem scheinbar zerstreuten Zustand untergeht.

Montag, 10. Juli 2023


Denken, Lesen und Lernen als Grundbedürfnis.

Nicht bei jedermann in gleichem Maß vorhanden. Und auch bei ein und derselben Person nicht stets in gleichem Maß vorhanden. Im Sinne einer Saisonalität: Ein Kommen und Gehen des Bedürfnisses durchaus möglich.


Und also schon auch ein bisschen lachen oder lächeln zu können über Sachen, die da passieren.


Warum lächeln wir über dieses und folgendes, nicht aber über jenes?

Ein bisschen so wie mit dem Interesse. Ein paar Sachen scheinen uns interessant zu sein, andere nicht.

Sonntag, 9. Juli 2023

Samstag, 8. Juli 2023

Freedom and Equality:

via Culture Critic, Twitter:

"Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free."

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


via Rolf Degen:

"Men had higher consensus on attractiveness of targets than women did."

There is more consensus among men who is attractive than among women.


via Rob Henderson:

"Psychopaths view people as little more than objects to be used for their own gratification. The weak and the vulnerable are favorite the psychopathic universe...whoever is weak is also a sucker; that is, someone who demands to be exploited."

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023


Cheer up, just a little bit each day!

Returned to reading "The pleasure of my company" from Steve Martin. It's a fun read, a pleasant time. Should read more books with cheerful content.

Ohne Worte:

Was, wenn man sich eines Tages begegnet,
und wirklich alles von dem, was gesagt werden kann,
bereits gesagt worden ist?

Ohne Worte geht's dann weiter ...
aber wohin geht diese Reise,
wohin wird sie gehen?

Ohne Worte geht's dann weiter,
ohne Worte, ohne Worte.

Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023

getting on stage and staying there:

Paul Bloom:

"If you want to get on stage and stay there, if you want money and fame, you are wise to offer solutions to life's problems, regardless of how strong the scientific data are."

Samstag, 1. Juli 2023

Sex Drive in Relationships and Marriages:



Z.B. ein kleines, sehr einfaches Weltmodell, das es einem gegebenenfalls dennoch ermöglicht, sich in der Welt zurecht zu finden.

Was ist ein Modell?

Eine Vereinfachung. Eine Reduktion aufs "Wesentliche". Der dann gewisse Schlussfolgerungen abgeleitet werden können.