Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2020

Cheater Detection:

>Cosmides' (1989) argued that, for cooperation to have stabilized among humans in evolutionary time, and not to have been made impossible by excessive free-riding or “cheating”, humans must have evolved domain-specific cognitive capacities that allowed them to detect cheaters.<


"A cheater is an agent who (i) takes the rationed benefit offered in a social exchange but (ii) fails to meet the provisioner's requirement, and (iii) does so by intention rather than by mistake or accident."


"The evolutionary function of a cheater detection subroutine is to defend the cooperator against exploitation. It is designed to represent and track the other party's behavior so that it can (when warranted) correctly connect an attributed disposition (to cheat) with that particular person (who thereby becomes categorized as a cheater)."

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