Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018


"Playful people are uniquely able to transform virtually any environment to make it more stimulating, enjoyable and entertaining."

L. A. Barnett, The nature of playfulness in young adults, 2007


"Both lay and empirical observations have long noted that certain individuals appear able to transform virtually any environment to make it (more) enjoyable and entertaining – terming them ‘playful’ individuals."


"Playfulness is the predisposition to frame (or reframe) a situation in such a way as to provide oneself (and possibly others) with amusement, humor, and/or entertainment. Individuals who have such a heightened predisposition are typically funny, humorous, spontaneous, unpredictable, impulsive, active, energetic, adventurous, sociable, outgoing, cheerful, and happy, and are likely to manifest playful behavior by joking, teasing, clowning, and acting silly."


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