Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2024

Moral Disgust:


"Originally, disgust likely evolved as a mechanism to protect against physical contaminants and disease (like spoiled food or pathogens). Evolutionary psychologists propose that this basic, visceral emotion was later extended to the social and moral domain. This means that the same emotional response we have to physical revulsion (e.g., feeling sickened by rotten food) is also triggered by moral violations."

"From an evolutionary standpoint, moral disgust can be seen as an adaptation that promotes social cohesion and cooperative behavior. By generating a strong emotional response to behaviors that are harmful to the group (such as betrayal, cruelty, or unfairness), moral disgust acts as a social regulator, discouraging such behaviors and promoting harmonious group living. This would have been particularly important in small, interdependent groups that characterized early human societies."

"evolutionary psychology views moral disgust as an adaptive response that evolved to promote group living and social cooperation"

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