"I would be more inclined to believe that dropping out of the workforce really is because “jobs suck and society is rigged against men” if the same men were not also dropping out of life entirely across the board. If these men were becoming unemployed, but traveling around the world or joining a motorcycle gang or getting into adventures I could see it. Maybe if they were going into the woods and building cabins and creating off-grid militias. If they spent their free time doing anything interesting. But they don’t. These men don’t use their newly found time to fulfill all of the male fantasies and real-life side quests we all want to do. “Society and my job sucks so I have dropped out” doesn’t explain why they are also the most sedentary men, the most likely to be obese, the least likely to socialize with others (despite having the most free time), and everything else it comes with. It doesn’t explain why they are consooomers of social slop (like television, media, and video games) more, but not producers of anything novel, adventurous, or constructive."
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