Donnerstag, 9. April 2020

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Viele Beiträge, ein großer Anteil der Beiträge dieses Blogs, sind letztlich, auch von meiner Warte aus gesehen, kaum etwas anderes als "Rauschen". Persönlich interpretiere ich Beiträge insbesondere dann als "Signal", wenn ich sie mehrmals veröffentliche oder verlinke bzw. wenn ich wiederholt auf sie Bezug nehme.


Passend zum Thema, Daniel C. Dennett:

"The science fiction author Ted Sturgeon, speaking at the World Science Fiction Convention in Philadelphia in September 1953, said,

>When people talk about the mystery novel, they mention The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep. When they talk about the western, they say there's The Way West and Shane. But when they talk about science fiction, they call it 'that Buck Rogers stuff,' and they say 'ninety percent of science fiction is crud.' Well, they're right. Ninety percent if science fiction is crud. But ninety percent of everything is crud, and it's the ten percent that isn't crud that is important, and the ten percent of science fiction that isn't crud is as good as or better than anything written anywhere.<

Sturgeon's Law is usually put a little less decorously: Ninety percent of everything is crap. Ninety percent of experiments in molecular biology, 90 percent of poetry, 90 percent of philosophy books, 90 percent of peer-reviewed articles in mathematics - and so forth - is crap. Is that true? Well, maybe it's an exaggeration, but let's agree that there is a lot of mediocre work done in every field. (Some curmudgeons say it's  more like 99 percent, but let's not get into that game.) A good moral to draw from this observation is that when you want to criticize a field, a genre, a discipline, an art form, ... don't waste your time and ours hooting at the crap! Go after the good stuff, or leave it alone."

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