Samstag, 2. November 2024


Bücher geben dem Leben viel Sinn. Was wäre eine Welt ohne (tiefergehende) Gedanken?

Silent Environments:

"many people who engage in mentally demanding work, like problem-solving, writing, or studying, often prefer silent or quiet environments. This preference can stem from the desire to avoid distractions and improve focus. Silence allows for uninterrupted thought processes, which is especially beneficial for tasks that require deep concentration ..."

Verbales Gift:

„Verbales Gift“ kann sich in verschiedenen Formen äußern, etwa durch:

  1. Beleidigungen oder abfällige Bemerkungen: Die Person macht absichtlich verletzende oder abwertende Kommentare, die das Gegenüber treffen sollen.

  2. Ironie und Sarkasmus: Dabei werden Bemerkungen oft mit einem scheinbar harmlosen oder humorvollen Ton gemacht, haben aber eine verletzende oder erniedrigende Wirkung.

  3. Unterstellungen und Manipulation: Eine Person wirft dem Gegenüber unterschwellig Fehler oder schlechte Absichten vor, die verletzend oder demütigend wirken.

  4. Hinterhältige Kommentare: Äußerungen, die indirekt auf Schwächen oder Fehler der anderen Person hinweisen, aber auf eine Art, die schwer offen zu konfrontieren ist.

  5. Ständiges Kritisieren: Anhaltende Kritik, die über konstruktives Feedback hinausgeht und das Ziel hat, den anderen klein zu machen oder das Selbstbewusstsein zu schwächen.

Weak or Spineless from an Evolutionary Point of View:

"From an evolutionary perspective, certain traits that might be seen as "weak" or "spineless" could be perceived as problematic because they might impact survival, status, and reproductive success. Evolutionary psychology often interprets personality traits in terms of survival and reproductive advantages, meaning that behaviors and characteristics that increase an individual’s chance of thriving and passing on their genes are often favored.

Here’s how evolutionary theory might frame potential issues with a “weak” or “spineless” individual:

  1. Resource Protection and Provision: Historically, men were often in roles where they had to protect and provide for their families or communities. A lack of assertiveness or willingness to stand up for oneself or others could lead to lower social status or vulnerability, potentially resulting in fewer resources. In a competitive environment, individuals who cannot secure or defend resources may struggle to ensure survival for themselves and their families.

  2. Social Status and Mate Selection: Traits like courage, assertiveness, and decisiveness are often correlated with higher social status in many societies. Higher status can lead to greater access to resources and is often attractive to potential mates, as it suggests a level of competence and reliability. “Spinelessness” or a lack of assertiveness may lead to lower social status, which historically could limit reproductive opportunities.

  3. Group Cohesion and Leadership: In many social groups, strong individuals are more likely to emerge as leaders or to be viewed as reliable allies. A “spineless” individual may be less trusted to contribute effectively to group decisions or to take action when needed, which can result in social exclusion or reduced cooperation from others. This could decrease their overall fitness in terms of social bonds and group support.

  4. Resilience and Adaptability: Evolutionary fitness often requires the ability to cope with changing environments or adversity. An individual who avoids challenges or lacks resilience might struggle to adapt to change, making them more vulnerable to environmental stressors or conflicts. Historically, those who could not adapt were less likely to survive and reproduce.

  5. Parental Investment and Offspring Success: From an evolutionary standpoint, parental investment in offspring is key. If a “weak” individual cannot protect or invest adequately in their children, the children might be at a disadvantage in terms of survival, health, and social status. An individual with lower confidence or who avoids conflict may not be as effective in ensuring their offspring’s success, which could impact the continuation of their genetic line.

However, it’s worth noting that evolution is complex and context-dependent. In today’s world, where physical protection and resource acquisition aren’t as directly tied to survival as they once were, the impact of these traits is different. Collaborative, gentle, and non-aggressive traits can also offer significant advantages in modern societies that value cooperation, emotional intelligence, and diverse skill sets. So, while evolutionary psychology gives a perspective on the historical implications of these traits, it doesn’t necessarily dictate their value or success in contemporary life."

Losing Comfort:

The problem of losing comfort -
If you lose a person who provided comfort.


"Everytime I see a man heartbroken or distraught about his ex she's never stunningly beautiful. For some reason models don't capture the soul in the way that the cute bubbly mid grasps it. But the feeling is lingering and delayed. She had that glazed over gleam of adoration in her eyes when she looked at you, she didn't have any true deal breakers. For some reason you just let her slip away, and you only realised what you had done after the fact. But now that it's over you know there's no going back. She doesn't look at you the same. She's naturally warm and soft, but there's no question that she seems colder to you – that previous version of her is inaccessible to you now. If she does reply then it's frustratingly short and to the point like you're doing business or speaking with a work colleague. it's over anon. she's gone."

Freitag, 1. November 2024


Wie viel findet in einer Beziehung
die Abwertung des Anderen statt?


Glaube spitzt sich zu auf die Frage:

Haftet Gott der Welt an? Oder eben nicht?

Oder zum Beispiel:

Gibt es hier Manches, das als göttlich bezeichnet werden könnte,
oder nicht?